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{For Sophkitteh, the first real supporter of this fanfic}

Chapter 5 - Percy

I WAS FUMING. FOR THE SECOND TIME, A GREAT PROPHECY HAD decided to tell me I was going to die. I couldn't avoid that twice.The first time had turned out alright in the end, but prophecy number two just happens to very specifically pronounce my death. Thanks Rachael.

The Egyptians were giving me strange looks, and I felt uncomfortable. Of course they had no idea about the battle in New York last summer, and I felt embarrassed that I had let my temper go like that, especially as a leader of Camp Half Blood. Carter cleared his throat and we all looked at him. I gave him a grateful look as the attention was moved away from me, and he smiled grimly.

"I think the Greeks should explain to us about prophecies." he said, and the other magicians nodded assent, turning back to us. I looked at Annabeth as she began to explain.

"Well," she began, "That girl you just saw on the iris message was Rachael Elizabeth Dare. Last summer, she took on the spirit of the oracle of Delphi, and now, every once in a while, she will spout a prophecy, which is what you just saw. You can usually tell when it's a major prophecy, and those usually take some time to complete. The last one took Percy half a century to finish, and he wasn't even near being born when it was given. Prophecies are mysterious, and hard to interpret, but in one way or another, they always come true." she said, and the magicians nodded thoughtfully.

"But what about the people it mentioned? Wisdoms child and the host of death? And who is the saviour?" asked one of them, a girl named Cleo

I tensed. Annabeth looked at me and I squeezed her hand. "It's okay." I muttered to her and she gave me a grateful smile.

"Wisdoms child is a child of Athena, so that probably refers to me." she said. "The host of Death, I have no idea," she continued, but Walt interjected.

"That's me." he said. "I'm hosting Anubis."

Carter grinned slightly at the look on Annabeths face. "I'm the Pharaoh" he told her, "But who's the saviour?" he asked, and she looked grim.

"The saviour is Percy, he's the saviour of Olympus." she said and the atmosphere at the table grew grey. I gripped Annabeths hand, but grinned as if I was okay.

"Percy," began Sadie, slowly, "What did you mean when you said 'Twice'?"

I froze, but there was no avoiding the story. "Last summer, there was a war, to do with the original great prophecy. Lots of demigods died, I defeated some titans, the lead Titan got killed by his host, and basically one of the lines in the previous great prophecy told me I would die, but it was the other guy."

Carter looked confused. "Wait, what was the first prophecy?"

I sighed as Annabeth began to recite it.

"A half blood of the eldest gods

Shall reach sixteen against all odds.

And see the world in endless sleep

The hero's soul cursed blade shall reap

A single choice shall end his days,

Olympus, to preserve or raze." she said, and the Egyptians looked a little intimidated. "Percy was the half blood, so you can see why we ought he was going to die." she finished, and Sadie gave me a sympathetic look.

"We should really get back to camp." I said, and Annabeth nodded. The Kanes looked thoughtful.

"We're coming too." Replied Carter and Sadie simultaneously. I sighed.

"I suppose, If you really want to." I told them, and Sadie cheered. Nico gave a slight grin.

After many long discussions with the Egyptians, and agreeing to stay the night, I settled down on the bed they had assigned me. The pillow was a block of wood- literally, so I slept without it.

It would have been too much to ask not to dream.

(Ugh... Boring chapter I know.)

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