- Olympus

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Chapter 2 - Sadie

I KNEW I WAS GOING TO DIE. THERE WAS NO WAY I COULD SURVIVE THIS FALL. I hoped my tombstone didn't read 'Died walking out of an elevator.' That would just be plain embarrassing. Time seemed to slow down until it felt like I wasn't falling anymore, when I realised I wasn't. The black haired guy had my hand, and he was dangling from the elevator, hanging from his heels. The blonde girl gave a taxicab whistle, while the two of us swung above the terrifying drop. I looked up at my saviour. He was grinning lopsidedly, but he looked strained. Any minute now, I thought we were going to plummet to our (Rather grisly) deaths.

Thats when the two flying horses came flying towards us. The boy looked at me.

"Let go" he said, and I gave m an incredulous look.

"Are you insane?!" I shouted over the roaring wind.

"Just do it!" he shouted, and I did, shutting my eyes. I landed with a thump on something warm and furry. I opened one eye cautiously. I was on the back of the black Pegasus, who whinnied at me in amusement, dropping me on the path.




"That hole shouldn't have been there." she said, and I nodded.

"Something is wrong..." I muttered.

The girl I had rescued was sitting on the path, hyperventilating. Annabeth tossed me Riptide, which I had dropped and I pointed it at her.

"Who. Are. You" I growled, but then a voice from behind me shouted "Ha-Wi!" and I went flying backwards. I stood up, unscathed. The guy who had cast the spell looked surprised.

"You... You didn't..."

{This takes place after the last Olympian but before the Lost hero, so he still has the curse of Achilles...}

I frowned. "Quite obviously not." The other dude gave the girl a look, before extending a hand.

"I'm Carter Kane and this is Sadie, my sister." he said, andI shook his hand, slightly warily. I looked at Annabeth.

"Hecate?" I asked her and she nodded thoughtfully. The girl- who I now knew was called Sadie- looked confused.

"Who's Hecate?" she asked, and I grinned.

"We'll get to that in a second. How old are you two?" I asked and they looked confused.

"16" said Carter.

"14" said Sadie. I looked at Annabeth, confused.

"The gods should have claimed them by now..." I muttered to her, and the two looked at us, confused.

"You know about the gods?!" exclaimed Sadie, looking incredulous. "But you're not in any of the Nomes, and you're not Egyptian?!" she gave Carter a strange look, and I held up my hands.

"Whoa, who said anything about the Egyptians? Which gods are you talking about?!" I asked, gesturing. I noticed them looking around, seeing the palaces and gardens of olive and Cyprus trees.

Sadie and Carter looked scared. "The Egyptian gods are real..." said Carter slowly, and I looked at Annabeth. She stared at them in horror. I looked at her.

"This is not good.. Not good at all..." She muttered and looked at me. I was trying to take it all in.

"So you're the children of the Egyptian gods?" I enquired slowly, and they looked puzzled.

"Why would you think that?" asked Sadie, and I looked at Annabeth for reassurance. She nodded. Sadie continued, confused. "Why would we be the children of the gods? That would make us half god... No mortal on earth has that kind of power."

"Well," I started, "That's not true." I took a deep breath. The two Kane's were staring at me and their twin gazes unnerved me slightly. "You see, I'm Percy, and this is Annabeth, and the Greek gods are real." I said, and they gawked at me.

"This can't be true..." muttered Carter, but I carried on.

"Annabeth and I are demigods. One of our parents was mortal, and the other was a Greek god. Annabeths mother was Athena and my dad was Posiedon, lord of the seas."

Sadie looked shocked. "That, is awesome."

I blushed. "This is Olympus, the home of the gods." I gestured around me. "After the war last summer, Annabeth was given the honour of redisigning it, and we were her for a meeting."

I frowned. "What on earth are you doing here anyway?"

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