3 - Dog

6 4 3

A biscuit 

is falling on my lap,

and she won't stop!

A dog 

feels like love, and 

I'm just another wheel 

in the cog of a broken car. 

Jupiter comes 

once every alternating month 

to tell me that I need to 

file for my taxes,

and the politics, 

of such overgrown states, 

has traveled all the way 

to my doorstep. 

A dog

tells me that 

I need to share my secrets

only with the people who 

will feed me.

It's, however, common courtesy 

to tip the waiter

after dancing on the table, and busting

all the windows in the building. 

The establishment of vexed candy-canes

has declared a decree in vain,

for the queens

of this empire 

have betrayed 

my favorite horse. 

Incoherent PoetryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang