8 - Noble

7 4 2

Pay attention to the noble nation.
The noble nation is the most warm, administrative division

out of all of them.

Neutral, new, noble nation!
Never forget the hearty
and dear, noble nation.

The province that's really sloppy,
above all others, 

stands this corporate commonwealth. 

Does the corporate commonwealth make you shiver?

One afternoon, I said to myself,
"Why isn't the spanish flea more big?"
A spanish saying is miniature, it's saying is littler.
A spanish saying is microscopic, however.

Juvenile jurisdiction is, in its way, the lying of potency.

Don't believe that civilized countries are smart?
Civilized countries are stupid beyond belief!
Down, down, down into the darkness
of the civilized countries-
Gently, they go.

The goosy, the slow-witted, the dull

all want cuddles.

How happy are red, confederated cantons!

Down, down, down into the darkness of the confederated cantons.
Gently they go- The ruby, the Bolshevik, the scarlet.

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