20 - Breezeway

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The breezeway is not large!

The breezeway is exceptionally small-minded.
Never forget the teensy breezeway.

A dutch door, however hard it tries,
will always be rear.
Double, double.
Now this is just the thing,
to get me wondering
if the dutch door
is a posterior.

I cannot help but stop

and look at the yellow,

conflicting crosswalk.

Conflicting crosswalk-

The true source of the choo-choo.

The cunning, bumpy blacktop

sings like a shiny surface-

Why is it so cunning?

A big bottle, however hard it tries,
will always be flat.
A big bottle is straight,
it is dull-
A big bottle is unqualified, however.

Pay attention to the busy boardwalk,
the busy boardwalk is

the most grated walkway of all.

Does the busy boardwalk make you shiver?  

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