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What if ?..


Recently I've been saying  I tend to over think things so..recently people has been asking me why I'm just randomly staring off into the blue for no apparent reason.

Well the truth is I'm just bledy exploding my head with so much thoughts and...don't ask me it's just that I want to figure out the mystery of the world , discover new cures of sickness and diseases or find out if the world is really flat. my opinion I think society has changed by so much if you ever think about it, you see in the older centuries things were more stable and calm but obviously there were a few interruptions at some point.

So anyway what I'm trying to state is that don't you ever think that everyone has just been gullible to believe certain things(I mean I maybe wrong) but anyway,

Think about this what if happiness was a bad thing and sadness was good, what if sickness was a good and being healthy was an atrocious state to be in(look don't get me wrong I know this all not true but you never know).

What I'm saying is that society would just go along with it and we tend to believe what we learn and hear.

~Ok so I'm going to leave this off here.I'll update as much as I can and thank you again for reading!Bye:)♡

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