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                                 i'm back i know it's been a really long time since i've updated but here i am back at it again.So let's jump into it

   Amy's POV
  So is it just me or am i the only one obssesed with CONSPIRACY THEORIES. I've been researching about them lately and it really made me see a different perspective of certain things. Like i'm honestly really scared of some of them. There is something called the MANDELA EFFECT and it's absolutely crazy it's basically tricking your mind. There are multiple theories about this but one of them is that it arises from movement between parallel realities,this is based on the theory that within each universe alternate versions of events and objects exist. There is also a theory that  there was that challenge that was absolutely wrecking the internet for a while with do u hear YANNY OR LAUREL and it is reaally weird like i don't know what to say about this but everything in this world is just a lie. It"s absolutely brain wrecking to think about these words can trick our minds so easily

   But anyway the next one is something called SUBLIMINALS and oh boy is this intense but just to clarify a subliminal are hidden messages in music,voice messages,videos etc anything related to that matter so those messages are sent to your subconscious in your brain and it tells your body what to do. So this can be a good thing and bad the good thing is that people claimed it has worked for them but it takes time like about a month or 2 i believe so an example is that it can make you shorter or have a really good singing voice ;anything can change in your body( so it is believed ) but the bad thing is that even in your commercials on the television or the radio it is said that they could add subliminals that can be witchcraft or demonic it was taken seriously so it had to be banned. The scary part is that you would'nt even be aware because only your subconsious mind takes in these supposed messages and interprets them. Crazy right? I hope this isn't taken into the wrong hands. I mean i don't know if this is entirely true but i just wanted to write about this.

Anyway i'm going to leave this off here and i'm really excited for tomorrow because it will be.... ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!  YAY

Since i'm partially irish i can't wait. Alrighty then lads, slán!( it means bye in irish/gaelic )

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