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Amy's POV:
  LIFE, there are so many possibilities, so many questions, so many endless ideas. I just wonder about too many things ( what is wrong with me?) What if we were in a different universe, if earth was called something else, if we were just living a dream we never woke up from.

  Another thing is that people believe when we were babies we had better senses( like smell/scent ) and as we grow older it changes( but i'm not so sure). I wonder how other people's life is like , if i had  a different life ,different friends, if i was a different gender, and i keep going on and on.

But one of my biggest questions is what really happened in the ancient times and how things actually was maybe it was different but we interpreted or intended to believe about that time. Like if we actually evolved or was it God that created us. But let's not have an argument between science and religion.

Mostly when i stare off into absolute nothingness i think about these things i'm not sad or anything i'm just very curious. If i see a certain something i would think about so many things, And maybe that's the reason i have so many headaches lol ,but on the serious matter this world can be so much more than we think. One of the most interesting topics to think about is how technology is going to advance.

But until the next chapter i will speak more about this. I am currently very busy with school and tests. So until next time, Bye!🍀

The Depth In The Mind of the Quiet  Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant