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Once your phone said 7:10, you and Jack called it a night on your walk in the park. Jack had offered to walk you home, to which you obliged,  you usually didn't feel safe in dark environments, as you had no idea what lurked in the dark, especially nowadays with so many predators around anymore. So you gladly took his request.

Once you two reached your house, a building that stood tall in the dark, white and dripping with brown specs of paint that were meant to be seen as polka dots but instead looked as if they were lazily streaked across the white of the house paint originally left. You didn't mind it however, as it was only a house, it doesn't matter how it looks outside, it how it looks inside that matters to you.

You gave Jack thanks and turned around, about to open your chocolate brown door when Jack grabbed your wrist. Stopping instantly, you turned your head back to his direction, raising an eyebrow in questioning. He only stared at you for a few seconds before clearing his throat, his eyes searching everywhere but you for words.

"Uhm, stay safe and," He looked down to the ground for a couple of seconds, seeming to debate his next words. Licking his lips to moisten them, which heated up your face as his tongue glided across the pink lips he owned, he finally looked up to meet your confused gaze. "Text me when you get inside" He pursed his lips and looked away. He was about to let go of your wrist, his grip loosening, when you giggled and pulled him into a warm embrace, trapping your body heat to the cold air. You could feel his body go rigid as you hugged him, yet you snaked yours arms around his back and shoulders.

It took him a second, but he then seemed to catch on, as his shoulders sagged and his arms made their way around your waist. Resting your head on his shoulder, he pulled you closer to his body. "I'll miss you" you mutter out, to which he stifles a laugh, his chest bouncing due to his small chuckle. "I'll miss you too...."

He sighed and gave you a squeeze, nuzzling his nose into into the crook of your neck for a small second and let out a long sigh, your hair engulfing his face.

After what seemed like forever in bliss, he finally let go, the cold air instantly taking over what warmth engulfed your skin, sending chills down your spine. Jack waved as he walked down the path from your house, glancing st you every now and then, providing you with a smile every time his eyes met yours. His gaze meant everything to you and you loved it to pieces. It filled you with happiness that was always soon lost.

Once Jack was out of sight, you opened your front door, an orange glow of light peeking through the crack that got wider as the door opened. However, when the door fully opened, you were greeted with an insanely angry scowl spread across the face of your mother. She was evidently pissed.

"And where were YOU all evening, young lady?" Her scowl only seemed to grow the longer she looked at you, her eyes scanning your body head to toe, probably for evidence for where you have been.

"I was out with Skyler, I asked you if I could go for a walk and you said yes!"

You ended up raising your voice which probably was not the smartest idea at the moment, but you were sick and tired of your mom treating you like you are incapable of doing anything on your own or by yourself.

"I don't remember agreeing to ANYTHING" She remarked, moving closer to you, to which you took an instinctive step back, the cold air still brushing against your back in waves.

"Well I asked you, and you agreed! You even waved me off!" You were now yelling, the chocolate brown front doors squeaking now over powered by your voice. However, your mother did not like your response, and her voice was shrill.

"You will stop lying to me in MY house and shut your goddamn mouth on MY property and breathe the only oxygen this house provides you without wasting it on stupid lies to save your ass!" She said, breathing heavily.

Before you could respond, your mother grabbed you by your collar and threw you outside into the cold air, back smacking the frosted grass that stabbed you in the back. You hissed softly in pain. "You can get in through your bedroom window, if it's even open!" She then slammed the front door, making the wind chimes attached to its dark border chime together in a sad song, rattling in the wind.

You sighed and felt the prick of tears at the corners of your eyes as the heat in your face rose, ready to burst. The waterfall you've been holding in was finally about to fall.

Getting up off the cold ground that was also slightly damp, you walk to the back of the house and walk up the back stairs that creaked and moved with every step, daring to break.

Once you finally reached your window that lead to your room, wrapping your fingers that were tingling with cold numbness. The window easily slid open. You sighed with relief, knowing that now you wouldn't have to be trapped outside for the night in the freezing cold. Once the window slid all the way open, you threw your legs over the window sill and slid your body inside the warmth of your room.
You landed with a thud, and slowly stood up, closed the window, and locked it. You stretched your arms out and suddenly, the tears came trickling down hard and fast, streaming down your now red with painted hot tears cheeks. Your hair was everywhere, and make up smudged, what little your had on ruined. You were a mess.

Gently landing on your bed, you snuggled up in your blankets that made a burrito out of you. Pulling out your phone, still crying hot tears, you notice it's 8:30 pm. It's not that late, yet you were exhausted. However, Jack made you promise to text him, so you opened up messages and found Jacks name first on the list.

Me: Hey Jack

Jack: (Y/N)! Are you okay?

Me: Yes Jack, I'm fine. I made it to my room successfully, minus a few ugly gashes here and there, I'm basically bleeding out, I think I see the light, Jack

Jack: Damnit (Y/N). I'll take that as a yes?

Me: Your no fun. But yes, haha, yes Jack I'm fine. For real.

Jack: Thank god. So uhm, tonight was fun, and I really enjoyed it. I was wondering if you wanted to do the same tomorrow?

You were about to say yes, when you remembered your mothers reaction to you supposedly lying. She would never let you outside of the house again.

With your tears coming in stronger and rushing down your face into a pool on your arms, hiccuping and drying your nose red with a tissue, you reply.

Me: Sorry, but my mom is in a bad mood. She doesn't want anyone involved or disturbing her problems

Jack: Oh, that's okay. I understand

Me: I'm sorry, maybe next weekend?

Jack: Yeah, Sounds like a plan. See ya in school, (Y/N)

Me: See ya. Bye

Jack: Bye

You closed your phone, unsure if your mother would even allow you to leave next week either, which made you want to scream your lungs out raw. You couldn't understand why she targeted only you and your sister, and it only made you feel and look worse by the day.

You were thinking about drawing out your pain upon special pink paper with a special tool of yours that bleeds red when dragged across said pink paper. It reminded you of who you are and to "draw". However, you were going to stray away from "painting" on your skin for tonight because you were exhausted and all of your sweaters were dirty, so you had nothing to hide the marks, the "Art" left behind.

So you cuddled up in your blankets and hugged yourself, phone put on your night stand to charge as you shake in your blankets, quaking as tears streamed down your still frozen face, crying yourself to sleep.

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