Where's Jack?

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The sudden warmth that spread and enveloped your face is what drifted you from your consciousness, the black that was before your eyelids now started to turn into a pale orange.

Your eyelids still felt heavy and demanded to be kept shut, yet you prayed them open. Water instantly dropped in to your eye, at least, from the clear and transparentness of the liquid.

You blinked the water away, your eyelashes holding a few droplets that threatened to fall.

As you widened your eyes, you could make out a dim light just above your face, shining directly at your now glistening features displayed by the water.

You tried to sit up, but your head pounded, like it was some hangover. You gripped your head in pain, curling your fingers into your hair and laying back down, the tension in your body that you realized had been constricting your muscles relaxed. You held onto your head still, eyes shut tightly yet gradually opening.

You felt a soft touch upon your shoulder, cold to the touch. You then heard a distant voice that was low and soft, yet also raspy. You could tell it was a male voice, since it was deep and sounded masculine, but who?

You slowly released your eyelids from their closed position to shield your eyes from the light, and glanced at the figure looming above you. It had dark hair that dropped over their long face, their jawline carved slightly curved down to the chin. Their faces were blurred, but you could tell they were smiling.

The water slowly dropped, as you could hear the droplets fall into fragments onto the floor beneath you.

The figure looming above said something else, this time squeezing your shoulder and their voice a slightly higher pitch.

You couldn't still make out what they were saying, but your vision slowly cleared, the blurriness that once enveloped you was now gone, and replaced by sharp and soft details of the environment.

The first place your eyes landed was on the figure. You knew immediately who it was.

It was Mark. His dark brown orbs and slightly curly long hair that dropped over his right eye were obvious signs.

"She's awake!" He yelled, his deep voice seeming to echo and shake your eardrums, vibrating.

"Really? Coming, coming!!" The person that Mark must have been talking to since the voice it emanated from cane from the general direction Mark was looking in, said.

You looked around the dark room, confused on how you ended up in this place in the first place. Weren't you in your room?

The person Mark was talking to showed up, their face coming into view. It was the one and only Felix.

Why was HE here? He barely knew you.

Better yet, what happened to you?

You mind went straight tot he events that occurred however long ago it was, which also worried you. You just passed out, you barely even remembered it and everything felt extremely cold. To the point where you were going numb.

How long were you passed out for? And what was this room? Plus, how did Mark and Felix end up next to you in this very moment in the first place?

All the questions that roamed in your mind started to make your head throb all over again, causing you to clutch it in pain.

Marks voice entered your ears. "You okay, (Y/N)?" He asked, sounding concerned.

You muttered, your voice raspy and barely audible. "Y-Yeah...."

However, even with your voice like this, Mark seemed to understand.

"Good. We were worried...." He said, looking down for a slight moment, Felix right by his side.

"W-What happened?" You barely whispered, your throat throbbing to the vibration of your vocal chords.

"You were passed out.... Your mom found you and freaked out, and the first person she happened to call was me. Don't know why, but she sounded freaked out as all hell. She was crying into the phone and screaming, I could barely understand her, but I came anyways with Felix. I brought him along because I thought you could do with another friend" He said, fiddling with his fingers and looking down, his eyebrows furrowed slightly and his lips dipping into a pout. In a way, it was adorable. He looked like a lost puppy, minus the ears and tail.

"I.... I don't know w-what happened...." You stammered out, coughing just slightly in between words. You felt extremely exhausted and heavy, your lungs felt restricted and your breathing was slow and raspy. You could only imagine how you looked.

This wasn't good. Not good at all.

You played the scene over and over again in your head, trying to figure out any kind of reason to why you would pass out all of a sudden. You never had a history with blacking out, this by far was the first, and it honestly terrified you. You had no idea what was wrong with you and was worried that you could be a victim to a bad illness or some kind of fever that you can't escape. However, you tried to reassure yourself that it was a simple cold, even though this situation seemed more absurd than some cold. You just didn't want to tire from thoughts that could be far from the facts.

As you skimmed through what happened, you suddenly saw Jack, his face pure and happy, his smile stretching from ear to ear, his grayish blue eyes glowing and capturing you in their gaze. His one strand of green hair that decided to be unlike the rest, hung in front of his right eye. He was absolutely perfect....

Then a thought suddenly hit you, and it kind of hurt.

Why didn't Mark bring Jack here, too?

Jack knew you better than anyone else, except for Alice, which he was rapidly catching up to her knowledge of you.

You attempted to sit up one last time, this time succeeding, yet suffering an immense amount of pain in the process. Mark tried to lay you back down, but you slapped his hand away, which surprised him greatly.

"Where's Jack?" You said, your voice louder than it was a few seconds ago. You voice must be regaining itself.

"Well, " He said, looking down once more and biting his lip, "he couldn't come along...."



Sorry for the slightly short chapter, I'm just exhausted but also wanted to update for you guys while I had the plan of what I was doing next in my head and written down.

I stayed up all yesterday and last night as well as today watching Mark and Jack's stream, which by the way, hit their goal!! Mark was aiming for 500,000, pulling an all nighter as well, which I stayed up for, and Jack aimed for 75,000 and was in for about 7-8 hours, to which I stayed for as well. But they hit and I am so proud of this community!! Yesterday and today were such great days!! We helped two great charities!!

This is not an excuse however to not update, so I went ahead and made a chapter for you guys! Again, it's pretty short, but I want this story to be taken slow but still be a fun and bumpy ride. Plus, the cliffhanger! I think it's 👌👌👌👌 Dont ye think?

Anyways, thanks for reading this chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed!! 😊😊


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