chapter 3: sINcerely MEeeeee

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hey guys!

i know i updated this pretty recently, but I won't be updating for a while, so i'm doing this to make up for that!

i've been really busy with school, both social drama and work.

my ex is being really annoying, and I'm not sure how to deal with it. 


i only now realize how bad a person he is. 

but i have an A M A Z I N G gf to help me through it so.. yeah!

love you, ari! <3

i'm also getting sick. which sucks!

but, writing helps me feel better, somehow!

;) enjoy!


"We'd love to see them. The emails?" Those words echoed through my head all night, not letting me sleep. I couldn't let them down. Was there ANY way I could get them. Jared! Of course! I'm sure he could help. Sure he could.. But.. would he? I sighed. Maybe... I slipped my shoes on, running a sweaty hand through my hair and checking my reflection in the mirror. Trash, as always. Oh well. I didn't have to time to do anything about it. Grabbing my bag, I called out for my mom. "Mom?" She had fallen asleep on the couch. Of course. She'd probably worked late. I threw a blanket over her, heading out the door.

-time skip because buses and classes are annoying-

I scanned the cafeteria for Jared. He was sitting at a table in the back, half eating and half computer-staring. I tapped him on the shoulder, and he jumped, pulling his headphones off. "Oh, uh, hey Hansen!" He smiled at me, and I sat down next to him. "How was your dinner with the Murphy's last night?" I fidgeted with the hem of my shirt. "I may... I may have made up a whole friendship story...." He rolled his eyes, sighing exasperatedly. "Oh my god! What exactly did you say?" Oh no. I couldn't tell them what I said about the orchard. "Just.. uh... that we emailed...." He cocked his head. "Emails? I can do emails." My heart leapt. "R-really?" "Yeah. It'll cost you, though." "How much?" "Fifteen grand." " I can give you 20 bucks." "Fine. But you're a dick. Meet me in the parking lot after school." He packed up his lunch and computer, walking away with his headphones around his neck. I blushed. Something about that was cute to me.

-time skippo to after school-

(this convo is almost directly from the book.)


I pulled my SUV into the parking lot of Workout Heaven. Evan looked confused, following me inside, where I showed the guy at the front my card and headed over to a bench. "Do you work out here?" "No. My parents think I do, though." I opened my laptop, going through some coding shit before opening up a new email.

Yo Evan,

Sorry it's been a minute. I been all crazy and shit. You feel me?

"Why are you making him talk like that?" "Like what?" "You know, like that. Just.. make him talk normally." I sigh, erasing everything and starting again.

Dearest Mr. Hansen,

I am terribly sorry, alas, that I have failed to maintain contact. Life has been most challenging of late.

"Okay, now he sounds like a prince of something! Just have him talk like you and I do. And it ha to match my letter exactly. Make it say 'Dear Evan Hansen.'" I smirked, "Why would you guys refer to each other by your full names?" He shrugged. "I don't know. It just has to be that way, okay?" "Suit yourself."

Dear Evan Hansen,

Sorry I've been out of touch. Things have been crazy.

Evan smiles. "Perfect."

I want you to know that you've been on my mind this whole time. I rub my nipples at night as I picture your sweet, sweet face.

Evan's face flushes, as well as mine (but for different reasons.) "WHY WOULD YOU WRITE THAT?" "Calm down. I'm just trying to tell the truth. "You know, if your not going to take this seriously, then forget it. These emails have to prove that we were actually friends. They have to be completely realistic. I blush and cross my arms. "There's nothing unrealistic about the love that one man feels for another." I looked at him, hoping he'd take the hint. Nope. He sighed. "Just, here, let me type."

I gotta tell you life without you has been been hard.

I snicker. "Hard?"

Has been rough.


And I miss talking about life and, other stuff.

"Very specific." "Shut up!" He grumbles.

I like my parents.

"Who says that?"

I love my parents, but I hate how much we fight. I should really stop smoking drugs."

"Smoking drugs?" I shake my head in disappointment. "Just fix it." He hands the computer to me.

I should really take your advice and stop smoking pot. Maybe then everything might be okay. And I'll try to be nicer." Wish me luck.



"That's not bad actually." "Are we done yet?" He bites his lip. "Well, I mean.. I can't just give them one email. I wanna show that I was like, a good friend, you know?" I shake my head once more. "Oh my god." "All right. Write down what I say. 'Dear Connor Murphy, I just got back from the gym." "The gym? Seriously?" "I just got back from a hike." "Now that's more believable." " I took pictures of the most amazing trees." "No." "But that really happened!" He looked at me with puppy eyes. "Wow...." I hid my blush. Damn, was he cute.

Dear Connor Murphy,

I'm really proud of you for pushing through this tough time. It really seems like you're starting to turn things around. You know I'm here for you whenever you need me.



" I have to say, the freindship you guys had was just precious." I joked. He looked off into the distance. "Yeah.. it does seem nice, doesn't it?" He obviously hadn't realized I was joking.

P.S. Your sister's hot.

He snapped back to Earth. "WHAT THE HELL?" "My bad!" I smirked, erasing the last line. We got into a groove after that, and we churned out a dozen emails, six from Connor and six from him. I shut my laptop a few minutes later, smiling a little. "What are you so happy about?" "Nothing! Shut up, Hansen." He grinned, giving me a highfive. "Hey, thanks." I gave him one back, grinning as well. "We need to print these out." "Here, we can go to my house. My parents are at work." He smiled. "Thanks, Jar." "Of course."

okay, that was long, and a lot of the convo was stolen from the book. 

so, uh, hopefully it isn't illegal.... ;-;

i'm just gonna say, if you haven't already listened to sincerely me, then yOU sHOUld qUestiON yOUr lIFe cHOices. 

it mIGht snOWWWW!!!!!!!!

i love snow so, yay!

also it dosn't happen much heere so...


if I do get around to writing anything, it will probably be richxjake because it comes naturally, and I already have a million ideas so....

boyf riends is precious to me (NOT THAT THE OTHERS AREN"T!), so i like to take my time when I write stories for them.

have a good night!


chrissy <3

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