-chapter 6: he's not coming back

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hey guyz!

happy valentine's day! 

hope you have someone you spent it with!

because today is all about love, i'm updating this!

get it?



-few months later-

I was sitting on my bed, coding, when I got the call. I frowned, not recognizing the number, but picking it up anyway. "Hello?" "Jared? Is... is this you?" My fists clenched when I recognized it as Zoe's voice. "What do you want, Zoe?" "It's Evan.. he's curled up in a ball crying and I don't know how to help him.. I figured you could help." Shit. That meant Evan has having a panic attack. I grabbed my jacket, zipping it up and heading out the door. "Okay, I'm on my way.""T-thanks." I jogged down the sidewalk, stopping at the Murphy's door and trying the door. Unlocked. I rolled my eyes. Classic Zoe. I went into Zoe's room to see Zoe standing awkardly by her bed, with Evan curled up by the door. "Thank god you're here." I nodded. "What happened?" "I don't know! We were just talking.. A-about our parents, and he just started crying..." I sighed angrily. "ZOE! HIS DAD LEFT HIM WHEN HE WAS 5!" Her eyes widened. "I..I didn't know that!" I exhaled, going over to Evan and wrapping my arms around him. "Hey, Ev, it's okay.. I'm here." He looked up at me. "J-Jared.. He's not coming b-back..." I hugged him tightly. "Shh.. it's okay. I'm here." He leaned into me, tears still running down his face. Zoe looked at us. "U-um... you sure you guys are JUST friends?...." My face turned red, and I put a finger to my lips, pointing at Evan, who wasn't paying much attention to us. "I think I'm gonna take him home." She twisted a lock of hair around her finger. "O-okay.. Um.. Ev?" He looked at her, eyes red. "Y-yeah?" "Love you..." He looked at the ground guiltily and said quietly,"L-love you too." I could see he was lying, even though his face didn't show it. I helped him out of the house, and we walked into his house. He sat on his couch, hugging his knees to his chest. I sat next to him, and he looked at me. "I d-don't.. I don't really l-love her.. I t-think I l-like s-someone else.." "Tell her that." "I-It's hard.." "Hey, it's okay. I'm sure she'll understand." He smiled a little. "T-thank you, J-jared. F-for.. F-for being my friend." I smirked. "Of course, Acorn."

short but sweet!

-chrissy <3 

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