chapter 4: good for you.

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"I fell.. I looked around.. And I saw Connor. He'd come to get me." Evan stuttered over his words, and I could tell he was sweating even though he was just on my laptop screen. I had promised myself I wouldn't cry, but I felt a few tears fall down my face. He'd twisted an amazing day that WE'D had into a lie about him and the kid who killed himself. I sniffed, taking my glasses off and wiping my tears. "Jared, what are you doing?" My mom flicked the light on. "Are you crying?" "N-no! I just have something in my eye." Her face hardened. "You WERE crying.I DIDN'T RAISE MY SON TO BE THAT WAY, DID I?" She slapped me, hard, and then shut my door. I cried harder, wrapping my arms around my knees and tracing the bruise gently with my fingers. What's wrong with me? Even my own mom doesn't love me. I got up, grabbing a razor and rolling up my sleeves. I inhaled and cut my pain away.


"EVAN! LISTEN TO ME!" I screamed in his face, grabbing his shirt sleeve and pulling him towards me. "So you say what you need to say... And you play who you need to play, and if somebody's in your way, PUSH them and leave them behind.." I wiped my eyes with the corner of my sleeve angrily. "Jared, I-" "WELL I GUESS IF I"M NOT UNUSED, GO AHEAD, YOU CAN CUT ME LOOSE, GO AHEAD NOW, I WON'T MIND!" I yelled, shoving a finger in his chest and pushing him. "SO YOU GOT WHAT YOU ALWAYS WANTED, SO YOU GOT YOUR DREAM COME TRUE! GOOD FOR YOU! Good for you..." I huffed, crossing my arms and walking away. "Jared, wait!" "NO! Evan, I'm done with your shit. Fuck you, you asshole." I ran home, shutting my door just in time as hot tears fell down my face. I went over to my desk, taking a photo out of a frame. It was one of both us, from when we were five. We had our arms around each other, and we were smiling widely. I couldn't remember how long it had been since I'd smiled like that. I felt my fist clench, and I ripped the photo clean in half, throwing the respective halves across the room. Leaning against my door, I put my head in my hands. "Fuck you, Evan Hansen. Fuck you very, very much."

wow. so freaking angsty!

well, hope you enjoyed it!


jwwk3en3 n

well bye 

have a great night! UwU

love and hugs,

-chrissy <3

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