Proper Birthday

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I was awoken by Dodger, Fagin, and the rest of the kids.

"Happy Birthday Lettie!" They said.

I sat up and Fagin gave me a tray.

"Happy birthday, breakfast in bed for you."

"Thank you."

My birthday was a over a week ago, might as well go with it because hopefully no one will get hurt this time.

"Who's idea was this?" I asked.

"Oliver, he told me your birthday was today," Fagin said.

"Oliver, thank you but I don't want a big party or anything."

"How old are you now?" Fagin asked.


"Thirteen, that's an important age, you're a woman now, a teenager. Besides, soon after you, Dodger will be thirteen, you know what that means?"

"What sir?"

"You're the eldest of all these children! We're gonna have a party tonight before a few of us go with Bill on the heist tomorrow night."

"Fagin sir, I told you I don't want a big party."

"It's not that we're gonna invite a lot of people, it'll be me, you, the kids, Nancy and Bill. Dodger, go steal the largest most delicious cake you can find and have it here by this evening."

"Yes sir."

"As for the rest of you, decorate the dining room with birthday party decor and all of us will go get presents for her."

Well, I guess I have a birthday today. Can't believe they're willing to do this for me. I got a feeling this will end on a good note. They left but me and Oliver.

"Oliver, why did you do this?" I asked.

"Because I felt bad, your real birthday was ruined. Everyone deserves a proper birthday."

I smiled.

"Come here."

I gave him a hug.

Dodger got me a chocolate cake and birthday candles, we all decorated the dining room. Bill and Nancy were out that whole day until that evening. The party was ready to begin. Bill and Nancy walked in the dining area as we were eating my birthday dinner, onion soup.

"Onion soup Fagin?" Nancy asked.

"Yes ma'am."

Bill and Nancy noticed the cake and decor.

"What is the meaning of this?" Bill asked.

"It's Lettie's birthday today Mr. Sikes," Dodger said.

"Is that so?" Nancy asked smiling.

Nancy walked to me.

"Why didn't anybody tell me, I would've contributed?"

"Nancy, that's enough now," Bill said.

"Bill, we should do something, it's Lettie's birthday!"

"Nancy, I said that's enough! I'm not a party person anyways."

"At least stay for dinner Mr. Sikes," I said.

"Dinner and I'm going."

Bill and Nancy sat with us.

"So, how old are you?" Nancy asked.


"Just found out this morning she's the eldest of the children."

"No wonder she's smarter," Bill said.

"You could say that Mr. Sikes," Charley said.

"Dodger, I never got a chance to ask you how you found Lettie?" Fagin asked.

"I was the one that busted her out of gaol."

"He pick pocketed the key from the chief while he was sleeping and put it back afterwords," I said.

"Were you two there before he killed himself?"

"No, during," Dodger said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Bill asked.

"In his sleep, Lettie killed him with his own gun."

Nancy gasped.

"She fixed it up like it was a suicide."

"But, they found out I escaped, I'm a wanted criminal."

"But she killed him and made it look like a suicide so they won't know she did it. Now, that's the smartest criminal I've ever came across. Nice going girl," Bill said.

"Thank you Mr. Sikes."

Bill was done with his soup.

"Alright, dinner is over for me, I'm leaving."

Bill was about to walk away but he noticed Nancy wasn't moving.

"Come on Nancy, let's go."

"I would rather go to a birthday party."


"Bill, let her stay mate," Fagin said.

"Fine, I will."

Bill was about to leave again.

"Come on Bill, have a heart!" Nancy shouted.

I saw Bill's shadow stop moving.

"He lacks one," Fagin said.

The shadow got a bit closer.

"Bill? Do you remember last time me and you celebrated your birthday? We were children just like Lettie, at the old orphanage. Come on now-" Fagin said but was interrupted.

Bill walked back to us. That struck a nerve. He sat down and sighed. The kids were clapping for him.

"Quiet!" Bill shouted.

They stopped.

"The cake looks delicious."

Fagin laughed.

"Cake time!"

Dodger lit the candles.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Lettie, happy birthday to you! Oh she's a jolly good fellow, for she's a jolly fellow, for she's a jolly good fellow, which nobody can deny!" They all sang.

"Make a wish," Nancy said.

I blew out the candles, they clapped.

"What did you wish for?" Dodger asked.

"Oh Dodger, you know if you tell, it won't come true," Charley said.

"Charley has a point," I said.

We laughed. We ate cake.

It did end on a good note.

Loony Lettie (An Oliver Twist Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now