The Heist Of Barkwell Bank Part Two

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It was time for the heist, finally! We walked to the main entrance.

"Dodger, you pick locks don't you?" Bill asked.

"Yes sir."

"Get to it!"

Dodger started getting his picks out and got started.

"All three of you listen to me, the key to breaking and entering is silence! Pure silence!-"

"I don't know if I can do it Mr. Sikes," Oliver said.

Bill grabbed Oliver by the collar.

"You will do it! I picked you and I expect you to participate!"

He let go and turned to me.

"You're always quiet as a mouse, I'm not gonna worry about you too much."

We waited for a few seconds.

"Got it Mr. Sikes," Dodger said.

The door was unlocked.

"Remember, you make one sound, just one sound..."

He raised his fist up and slightly shook it. We nodded.

"Let's go!"

We went in as quietly as we could. We all explored around until we got to a thick metal gate, over it was a hallway that goes toward a big vault door.

"We're going to climb over that gate. You're kids, naturally good climbers," Bill whispered.

Not true! Oliver has a fear of heights! Bill turned to me.

"Ladies' first."

I started climbing. I didn't lose my balance at all. I was quiet and agile. Bill went next. He was pretty agile too.

"Climbed a lot in my day," he said as he stepped down.

"You can go next," Dodger whispered to Oliver.

"I'm afraid of heights."

"Don't chicken out now boy," Bill said.

"He's afraid of heights, he can't help it," I said.

"He's afraid of everything! He's nothing but a weak little boy," Bill said to me.

"Just because he's afraid of heights doesn't mean he's weak. I feared my own father, I'm not weak!"

He stared at me blankly.

"Nobody should have to fear their own parents," I continued.

"I'll help you," Dodger said to Oliver.

Dodger walked to the gate.

"I'll give you a piggy back ride. Close your eyes."

Dodger gave him a piggy back ride. They managed to get over safely.

"Thank you," Oliver said as he got down from Dodger.

"Don't mention it."

"Don't mention it at all. You're going yourself next time," Bill said.

We walked to the vault.

We heard a man cough in the distance.

"Damn it, someone's here, let's go quickly!"

We went back to the gate. Me, Bill, and Dodger climbed as quickly as we could. Oliver on the other hand ruined it for us. He was slow. We heard footsteps, Oliver lost his balance and fell.

"What in the bloody hell-"

An old man noticed us as Oliver got up.

"Were you three about to break into the vault? Wait, you two don't look like you're from Barkwell, are you?"

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