Just In Case

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*Lettie's POV*

I opened my eyes to Nancy looking at me, a cold rag was on my forehead.


"Yes sweetheart?"

"Where am I?"

"At home, you're very sick. Everyone's worried for you. How are you feeling?"

"I feel achy all over. And freezing on my forehead."

Nancy laughed.

"You have a fever, the cold rag is to take it down a notch."

I nodded.

"Bill thinks it's that plague in Barkwell, we'll keep an eye on you."

I started to cry.

"Oh no, I don't wanna die!"

"You're not going to die ok? Sweetheart you're ok. Fagin says otherwise but we'll keep an eye on you just in case."

Nancy held my hand. 

"Fever is only onset, if I do have the plague, I'll have boils all over me."

"Sit up."

I carefully sat up. Nancy lifted my dress, my back was showing.

"No boils on your back. Look down your front."

I did that, no boils.

"No boils at the moment but it doesn't mean it won't occur. A standard fever last twenty four hours, if you feel better tomorrow, you're fine."

I nodded.

"Why don't you get some rest, go to sleep. I bet you'll fell much better when you wake up."


I closed my eyes. I heard Nancy walk away.

*Nancy's POV*

I walked out and noticed the gang getting ready to go somewhere.

"Fagin, where are you going?"

"Me, Bill, and the boys are going pick pocketing for dinner and breakfast. You want anything?"

"No," I shrugged.

"Alright. We'll be back."

They were about to go but Bill stopped.

"I'm starting to feel a bit under the weather."

"Alright Bill, you get some rest," Fagin said.

"Nancy, take my place."

"Uh why me?"

"You've been stealing since you were six, they need you."

"What about Lettie? She's in there sick, sleeping it off."

"She's sleeping, she'll be fine, if she wakes up and needs something, she'll say the word and I'll be there."

"Fine, I'll go."

"Come on," Fagin said.

We left.

*Bill's POV*

I wasn't really sick, ha ha, they fell for it! 

I walked to Lettie's bed and sat down by her. If she does have that plague it's my fault. Deep down I care, I maybe a criminal who's not zoned for kids but deep down I really care for these kids. It's my fault she's sick! I should be the one taking care of her! She, Oliver, and Dodger were my responsibility at Barkwell! I felt the water in the bowl, warmed up a bit. I grabbed it, got the bowl and went to get fresh water. I came back and started dabbing gently. I started to think. What if she dies? She's just a kid, I don't want her to die! I started to cry. I cried as quietly as I could so I wouldn't wake her up and no one could here me. Last time I cried, Fagin was sick when we were kids, it was measles. Measles can be fatal! I looked up.

"She's only a child God!" I whispered.

I calmed down a bit and continued watching her.

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