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I was sitting in a cafe in downtown Atlanta with my friend Maddy, enjoying the gentle breeze that was rare in May in Georgia.
"I see Luke Bryan is playing next month" Maddy smiled
"No way where" I said excitedly. I loved his music and I thought he was an amazing individual. His wife was absolutely stunning and I was a little envious of her because she had it all.
"He is playing Verizon Amphitheatre June 17th, you wanna get tickets" she asked excitedly
"Hell yes" I said happily
My joy was interrupted by my cell phone ringing it was my Mama,
"Hey mama how are you" I chirped
I could here her sobbing and I struggled to make out what she was saying
"Mama calm down what's wrong" I said
And then she said the words that I did not want to hear
"Baby your daddy has had a massive heart attack"
"What no oh my god is he going to be ok. I'm coming home. Tell him I'm in my way" I panicked
"Baby he's gone" she said
And that's all I heard before the room went black.
"Lexi wake up" I could hear Maddy say as she was shaking me
I started to open my eyes
"Oh my god Lexi what happened" I heard her say. By now a small crowd has appeared and I just started crying
"My daddy he's dead" I balled

Present day

Six months had passed since my daddy was taken from us. I have moved back home to help mama out as she is really struggling with the farm after dads passing. My brother was in the military and could help out and my other sister was in college.
I wasn't a natural farmer I studied business Management at GSU and my dream was to be a manager or an assistant manager to a big country star in Nashville but as it stands just now I'm a farmer.
I was out checking the cattle when my cell started ringing, it was Kerrie, a girl I went to college with and I hadn't heard from her in forever
"Hey Kerrie how are you" I said and I poured out some feed
"I'm good, just landed an awesome job in Nashville and I am looking for an assistant" she said
"I can't leave mama she needs me" I said
"Well least hear me out before you go turning down the opportunity of a life time" she laughed
"I'm Luke Bryan's manager"
"No fucking way"
"I knew that would get your attention. Well I need some help his schedule is hectic and I can't do it all by myself and I remembered you from college and how much you love country"
"Oh my god let me think about it and I will
Speak to mama. When do you need to know by" I said
"Next week. If you say yes all accommodation is provided and the salary is excellent" she said
"Ok I'm gonna speak to mama now. I will call you soon"
I ran inside the house and mama was baking a pie
"Whoa Lexi slow down" she laughed
"Mama can I speak to you" I said
"Sure baby"
I told her all about the phone call from Kerrie and she told me that under no circumstance have I to turn this opportunity down
"But what about the farm mama" I said
"Baby don't you worry about me, you have helped me enough now it's time for me to help you. Call her back and tell her yes"
I guess I'm moving to Nashville.

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