Worst trip ever

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I grabbed a cab and made my way back to the hotel. I can't deal with anymore shit tonight and I still have tomorrow to deal with more shit with the photoshoot. This has got to be the worst trip ever. He was the one who keep pursuing me and I was the stupid idiot that fell for his charm.
We're having fun, don't let emotions get in the way.
I replayed his words over and over in my head, each time it felt like a knife to the heart. I don't have feelings for him but I thought he could have been a little more sensitive. I got into the hotel and my phone rang it was Kerri. Fucking great.
"Hi" I said trying to sound upbeat
"Hey how did tonight go" she asked
"It was good the event went really well" I lied because I had no idea how the second half went.
"Is Luke there I need to speak to him"
Fuck. What do I say.
"He went out with Katy and Lionel I'm back at the hotel, did you try his cell" I said
"You let him go out with Katy, Lexi fuck that ain't a good idea" she said sounding pissed
"I didn't know I'm sorry" I said
I heard the door close in the hotel. It was Luke,
"Actually Kerri he has just came in. Can you call his cell, I need to put mine on the charge."
"K no problem"
I looked at his and snapped
"Kerri is going to call you I'm going to bed"
I heard his phone ring as I closed my bedroom door. I climbed into bed and pulled the bedding over me. I started thinking if I should hand in my notice, but then my stubborn chip on my shoulder said why should I. I was just falling over when I heard a knock on my door "Lexi" Luke said. I never answered. He opened the door and said my name again.
"Go away, we have said all we have to say" I said
"No we haven't. We need to sort this out." He said sitting in the edge of the bed.
I sat up and turned on the light.
"I thought you would be out all night" I said
"Well obviously I ain't. Lexi listen I think we both have said some things in haste" he smiled
"Luke you made me feel like a $10 dollar whore."
"That wasn't my intention and I'm sorry for that"
"I know you love Caroline, but if that was the case why did you fuck me" I said as I felt tears prick in my eye
"I don't know, you need to believe me I never thought in my life I would cheat on her, but you just seemed to pull me in like some of siren."
"Well that wasn't my intention Luke. When we you know it felt fantastic, it was only me and you, but then you go and make me feel like I was the one controlling it. I'm not a jealous person but when Katy came back from your dressing room and said she put a smile on your face I felt like my heart had been ripped out."
"Lexi, nothing happened with Katy and it never will she always tries but you are the only person I have ever cheated with. And I lied when I said I want letting emotions come into it."
Wait what did he said
"When I saw you with Ethan, I was jealous as hell, so I think we are even" he laughed
"It's not a game"
"I know I know. I know this may sound cheeky but can I sleep in here with you"
"Do you think that's a good idea" is said
"No but I want to. I won't try anything. I just need to know we are ok"
"Ok but it's only sleep."

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