Team building

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I got to the airport with minutes to spare. I parked up and made my way to arrivals. I was so looking forward to seeing Maddy. I saw her coming through the door and she came running
"Oh my god Lexi I have missed y'all so dang much" she said hugging me tight
"Me to me to and your gonna love me even more when I tell we where we are going on Saturday" I said
"You didn't"
"Yip we are going to Luke's he has invited us to a bbq."
"No fucking way. Oh my god I'm gonna pass out" she said as she fanned herself.
"Yip he called me on the way here and said he was having a BBQ for all the staff just to chill before tour starts" I said. I hated lying to her I wanted to tell her that Luke and I where sleeping with one another but I wasn't sure how she would react and I don't want it to ruin our friendship.
"Oh my at his actual house. I'm so stealing his underwear" she laughed
We both busted out laughing.
"Come let's get home. We can pick up food on the way home and have a girls night. Food, ice cream and chick flicks" I said grabbing her bags
"Now you read my mind."
We picked up takeout food and pulled up at my place
"Jesus Lexi the pictures you sent didn't do this place justice it's stunning" she said excitedly
"Yeah I love it I can't believe I get to live here, after all the things that's happened to me this past year I'm in actual awe." I said opening my front door
"Whoa those are some beautiful flowers" Maddy said admiring the flowers Luke sent me. I'm glad I never kept the card with them.
"Yeah Nothing like some pretty flowers to brighten up the room" I smiled
I gave her a quick tour and we changed into our pyjamas and grabbed a throw and cuddled up together on the sofa
"I've missed this" I smiled grabbing my Chinese takeout container.
"Me to girl. So have you been interested in dating while y'all have been here, I'm sure there is some hot asses coming in and out Luke's office"
"His merch guy has been asking me out but I see him more as a mate. I'm just enjoying what I'm doing right now. I'm off on tour with Luke and Kerri in two weeks time so that should be fun" I said
"I'm so jealous" maddy whined
We talked into the wee hours and we both fell asleep on the sofa.
I was woken by phone ringing, I looked down and it was Kerri. I will need to act surprised about today.
"Morning Lexi, did y'all have fun last night"
"Yeah it was good to catch up"
"What you got planned today because Luke is having a bbq and has asked me to ask you and  maddy along" she asked
"Yeah That will be fantastic Maddy will be so thrilled"
"Cool, be there for 2"
"See you then"
I hung up the phone and Maddy was looking at me funny
"Why did you pretend you didn't know about the bbq but Luke called you yesterday" she asked
"He told me not to say to Kerri, don't know why but he is my boss so I don't question him" I laughed
"I better go get ready" she said jumping up
"We have ages yet"
"I gotta get this looking fabulous" she laughed as he pointed to herself.

A few hours later we where pulling onto Luke's place
"God damn, this place is huge" Maddy said looking out the window
"Yeah it is" I smiled
"So will his wife be here"
"Yeah she's lovely" and I'm fucking her husband.
As we got out the car the front door opened and Luke walked out. He had a huge grin on his face. Damn that man is gorgeous.
"Damn he's hot" Maddy whispered
"Maddy" I nudged
Luke walked up to us
"Lexi so glad you could come, and this must be Maddy, so glad to meet you" he said giving me and her a hug
"You you you to Luke" Maddy stuttered
He smiled and said
"Come on in Kerri is out back with Caroline"
We walked in and I introduced Maddy to everyone. A good few hours passed and we where having a ball. Luke and I hadn't had any time alone yet. I stood up and said
"I'm just going to the bathroom. I won't be long"
I looked at Luke hoping he would catch on that I wanted to see him.
I passed his bedroom on the way to the bathroom. On the way back he pulled me inside. He didn't say anything he just crashed his lips onto me. Pulling away he leaned his head on mine.
"I have been wanting to do that since I saw you" he smiled
"Luuuuukkkeeee" I heard Caroline call
"Fuck hide in here" Luke said pushing me into his closet.
"I'm in here baby" he said
I heard her coming in
"There you are baby, have you seen Lexi"
"Yeah I passed her on the stair, she said she was going to get something in the car " he said
"Mmmm I'm sorry for yelling yesterday baby, let me make it up to you" I heard he say
"We have guests"
"Five minutes Luke come on we can make one another cum in that time I'm sure"
Oh hell no, he ain't going to fuck her knowing fine well I'm in the closet.
"Make it quick" I heard him say. What a fucking asshole. I can't believe he is doing this.
I heard everything, the worst five minutes of my life. I heard her go into the bathroom. I opened the door and walked right past him hold up my hand.
"Don't fucking bother" I whispered as I ran downstairs

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