Listen to me

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"Mama" I said as she opened the door.
She just looked at me and said
"What are you doing here" she snapped
"Mama please we need to talk, I have already lost daddy I can't lose you to" I said
"Well you should have thought of that before you went after a married man, I take it that's him" he said pointing the Luke's truck.
"Yes it is, please just meet him and listen to our side not the side of someone you have never met" I said
"Fine you have half an hour" she said
I waved Luke to come in as Mama walked inside. She could have waited.  We walked inside and Mama was sitting inside. I can't believe how cold she was.
"Mama this is Luke, Luke this is my Mama"
"Good Afternoon Mrs James" he said putting out his hand to shake hers, which she rejected.
"Hi. So Lexi what can I do for you" she said dryly as if I was a door to door salesman
"Mama please can we just talk. I know you don't approve of me and Luke but we love one another" I said sitting down next to Luke. He took my hand and said
"Mrs James, What My wife said in that magazine was so far from the truth. I have been with her for over 15 years and she is not the same person I fell in love with." He said
"And how do I know your not going to fall out of love with my daughter." She said
"I can't see into the future but what I can say is at this moment and when we first met she made my heart stop. I never felt that with Caroline" he said. His words where making my eyes well with tears.
"You ok" he whispered. I nodded my head
"Lexi, can you go and make some coffees please, I need to speak to Luke alone" she said with a half smile. At least it was a smile.

Luke's PoV

I watched Lexi go into the kitchen and I was nervous. I perform in front of 30000 fans a night but the idea of being alone with Lexis mama is really not helping my anxiety.
"Mrs James I don't want you and Lexi falling out over me. She has been so upset since y'all had that argument on the phone. She didn't pursue me, I went after her, I think life is to short to be unhappy and Mrs James I was unhappy with Caroline." I said
"Luke I am a firm believer in happiness but I'm also a firm believer in the constitution of marriage and family. Mr James and I where married for over 30 years before he was taken from me, we went through a lot but we stuck together"
"I totally understand that but you weren't caught with someone else's penis in your mouth" I said. Fuck I just penis to my girlfriends mama. The look of shock On face was a picture.
"Oh" was what she said.
"Yeah, but all I'm thinking about right now is Lexi and my boys they are my world"
Just at that Lexi came in with coffee
"Here baby" she said handing me my coffee.
"Lexi I want to apologise for my reaction, after having a good chat with Luke here I totally realise there is two sides. I'm so sorry"
The tears where running down lexis face,
"Oh my god mama thank you so much" she said hugging him
"Luke you hurt her and I have a .45 and a shovel" she smiled
"Mrs James I will look after her until my last breathe"

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