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Miyoung's POV

Hello, my name is Cho Miyoung. I'm seventeen years old and I'm in twelfth grade. I'm in a class with twenty four other students — eighteen boys and six other girls, seven if you include me. I know it's not a very good ratio, but we've adapted and the twenty five of us can get along better than you may think. Their names are Hoshi, Soyeon, Yoona, Vernon, Jeongyeon, Hoseok, Mingyu, Wonwoo, Jimin, Dokyeom, Jun, Woozi, Dino, Lucas, Minghao, Jin, Jeonghan, Lisa, Seungkwan, Shuhua, Rose, Seungcheol, Namjoon, and Joshua.

Hoshi, Dokyeom, and Seungkwan, otherwise known as BooSeokSoon — from their real names — are best friends. Soyeon, Yoona, Jeongyeon, and I are also pretty good friends. Rose and Lisa are best friends and no one can do anything about that. Also, Soyeon, Shuhua, and I have our own circle without Yoona and Jeongyeon. Jun, Joshua, and Jeonghan are best friends. So are Jimin, Dino, and Minghao. Joshua and Seungcheol are also attached by the hip. Jun and Joshua are some of my best friends. Jeonghan is my good friend, and also, my crush.

But there's nothing I can do about Jeonghan. He's already dating my friend Yoona.

Enough about me. Let the story begin.


"Miyoung! Wake up!" my mother shook me awake, dragging me away from my peaceful slumber.

"Five...more...minutes," I grumbled, pulling the blanket over my head.

"You'll be late if you do that," my mother insisted, pulling me off of my bed and then turning around and walking out of my room.

"Aish," I muttered, grabbing some clothes and changing.

I wore a white sweater with blue ripped jeans and black flats. Casual, just the way I like it I hate being girly. My hair was really long, so I pulled it back to a high ponytail. I grabbed my backpack and walked out of my room.

I threw my stuff outside the bathroom and did my business and brushed my teeth, and also making sure I looked presentable. My mom would have a cow if I wasn't.

My little sister Eunha was putting on her socks and waved to me.

"Bye Miyoung unnie!" Eunha waved, walking out the door with my father.

"Bye Eunha, bye Dad," I waved back as they left.

My mother was quickly grabbing her bags for work and grabbed the car keys to go join them so they could leave together.

"Bye Miyoung," my mother hugged me as she walked out the door.

"Bye Mom," I said.

Just as my mother left, my older sister Kyulkyung flounced out of her room.

"Goodbye you little turd," I said sarcastically as I grabbed my lunchbox and backpack and ran out of the house.

"Bye," Kyulkyung waggled her fingers at me as I shut the door.

The school was only a three minute bike ride way from my house, so I had no trouble getting to school on time and regrouping with my classmates and friends.

"Hey Soyeon unnie!" I said as I walked over to my best friend.

"Hi Miyoungie," Soyeon replied with a smile.

The two of us walked into the school together, and grabbed out textbooks, notebooks, and binders for the next two classes. We walked into our first class and sat down and began talking. Five minutes later, our teacher, Mr. Seo, called us to get our attention.

"Class!" Mr. Seo barked. He waited for all of us to quiet down so he could begin speaking.

"Your teachers and I have a surprise for you," Mr. Seo smiled. "Since school ends soon, and who knows if we'll see any of you troublemakers ever again, we're giving you guys another class trip!"

We cheered.

"Hold up!" Joshua yelled, and everyone froze. "Is there some sort of catch to this? Do we have to do something in order to have this privilege?"

"Nope," Mr. Seo shook his head. "We are paying for it and providing everything you possibly need. Just one thing though — no cell phones, smart phones, iPads, or any electronics of any kind. This is a class retreat."

People began groaning before Mr. Seo spoke again. "Hey, I wouldn't be complaining. This is a free trip. It's for seven whole days. Can't you be a bit grateful?"

"Sorry," some people muttered sarcastically.

"Here are the permission slips," Mr. Seo handed out sheets of paper to ensure that we would have our parents' permission to go on the trip.

"I can't wait!" Shuhua exclaimed, eagerly snatching a form from Mr. Seo.

"Something about this doesn't feel right," Jeongyeon said cautiously.

"What?" Yoona asked.

"Do you think that we would randomly get a trip for no reason? There is probably going to be something there that will make us uncomfortable and force us to work together — properly, as a unified class," Jeongyeon said thoughtfully.

"She has a point," Jun chimed in.

"I guess so," Minghao shrugged. "But maybe the teachers decided that they would let us relax for once?"

"As if," Jeonghan scoffed.

"Whatever it is," Seungcheol told us. "It'll be a rewarding experience and a very special memory for us as a class."

"You sound like a motivational speaker," Soyeon giggled.

"Shut up Soyeon," Seungcheol rolled his eyes.

"I can see that you all are very excited for this trip," Mr. Seo grinned. "And little miss Yoo Jeongyeon here is right, but trust me, it won't be that bad."

"What did she say?" Lucas shouted.

"She said that there will be something that will force you all together to work as a unified class," Mr. Seo repeated her words. "And she isn't wrong. I'm hoping that this will be a good experience for all of you."

"That's exactly what Seungcheol said," I mumbled.

"Now, let's begin class," Mr. Seo said.

The day felt like forever as it dragged on with classes and extracurriculars. I couldn't wait for volleyball practice to end and quickly bike home to ask my parents if I could go on the trip.

"Hey Mom!" I burst through the door. "Can I go on our class trip?"

"Didn't you have one in the fall?" my mother eyed the permission slip.

"Yeah, but this one is free from the teachers," I said excitedly. "Can I please go?"

"I suppose it's fine," my mom smiled. She signed the paper with a flourish.

I ran into my room and cheered. Now all that had to happen was the trip. But then a question continued to prick at my mind. What was the obstacle that would force our class to work together?

(A/N: and finally, the long anticipated jeonghan fanfiction has arrived! and yes, i admit, it is a lot of work to write four different stories -- joshua ff, jeonghan ff, mashikyu ff, mashiho ff -- but it's worth it for all of you readers! thanks for all of the support! kamsamnida!)


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