Happy 》l.t

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"Baby lock the door and turn the lights down low." I sang along with the radio, as I drove down the dark, bumpy dirt road towards my girlfriend's sister's house.

My girlfriend Emily, was supposed to be babysitting her niece, however as a preschool teacher she was exposed to nasty little snot nosed kids everyday and had woken up, for the third time this month, puking her brains out.

I of course felt bad and being the pushover I am had volunteered to help her out by babysitting her sister's kid. But I had my own reasons for helping too. For starters I had no desire to get sick, so I would have taken any excuse to get away from Emily, and I wanted kids of my own with Emily soon, so I hoped by doing this, she'd see what a great, kid friendly guy I was and we could start a family together.

Smiling to myself, since being a parent was something I'd always wanted to do seeing as I'd been an only child and never had any siblings to help take care of, I pulled into the driveway of Emily's sister's massive house.

I honestly had no idea how she could live in such a massive place while Emily and I shared an apartment, but then again, I was a piano teacher and Emily's sister's husband was like some big shot basketball player so I guess it made since.

Reaching the top of the winding driveway I put my car into park before getting out and twirling my car keys around my finger made my way up the front steps to the door. Pulling my beanie further down on my head I reached out and rang the doorbell.

Almost immediately the door swung open revealing Maddy, Emily's twin.

"Hey Louis!" she greeted, pulling me in for a hug.

"Hi," I answered, pulling away as Calvin, Maddy's nearly seven foot husband entered the room.

"Hey Louis." He called out, toting the two's four year old daughter on his lip.

"Hi," I said again, watching as he sat the small girl, who was dressed in a tutu and rain boots, a ring of chocolate circling her mouth, down on the ground.

Clutching a well worn teddy bear, Ava ran over to where Maddy and I stood, and peered up at me from behind Maddy's legs.

"Hello," I greeted, bending down so we were at eye level.

"You're Aunty Emmy's husband." She informed me.

"Not yet." I answered.

"Tell me you got the ring!" Maddy practically squealed.

"Yeah," I laughed, "I'm just waiting for the right moment to give it to her."

"Take her to one of my games." Calvin suggested, "I'll hook it up before hand, they'll put you on the kiss cam, you can propose and the whole thing can Trend on YouTube or something."

"That sounds amazing." I said, shoving my hands in my pockets, "But Em has social anxiety, I don't know how she'd feels bout even going to a game, let alone having everyone look at her."

"Take her out to dinner." Maddy replied, "Somewhere fancy but not crowded."

"I'm scared she'll suspect it if I take her to dinner." I sighed.

"She won't." Maddy laughed, "Believe me, just yesterday she called me and it took everything in me not to tell her that you already bought the ring."

"What did she say?" I questioned.

"She called you a gutless commitment fearing turtle." Calvin chuckled.

"No she did not!" Maddy cried, swatting his arm, "That's what I called you!"

"It worked." Calvin laughed.

"It did?" I asked.

"Yup," Maddy replied, "He dropped down to his knee and put a ring on it before I even finished my rant."

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