Part 1

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The main character is a 15-year-old high school kid who uses a Nordic deck. He is clumsy and sarcastic and watches too many movies, he doesn't like to write things he prefers to do them. he falls asleep a lot and is often called a slacker or lazy because of it.

"SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, I'M LATE!" I say running out the door. "Crap if I miss it this year i'll have to wait a whole nother year to try again." I turn the corner and get to the Kaiba Dome, A large structure built by Seto Kaiba for dueling. It was only used twice until Kaiba opened a school and used the Kaiba Dome as a testing area to see who will get in. I arrive at the entrance. "Please state your name. First and last name." The guy at the entrance told me. "Gavin Gebhart." I say in response.
He gestured to the door and told me to go in. "Would Gavin Gebhart please report to Duel Field 4." A voice over the loudspeakers says. "Wow." I thought "I don't even get to edit my deck before I duel." I walk to the duel field and see the crowd. My duel proctor was across from me and he was waiting for me to duel, but I was busy admiring the crowd. "Kid come on I have a class to teach!" he said in a gruff voice. "I'm sorry. I'm just not used to dueling in front of a crowd." I looked around and finally activated my duel disk. "Alright, lets duel!"

"I'll go first." He said as he drew his hand. "I'll start off easy. I summon Lancer Lindwurm in attack mode and end my turn.

"My turn." I draw my card. "I summon Mara of the Nordic Alfar in attack mode! Now I use its effect and tune it with two monsters in my hand Garmr of the Nordic Beasts and Ljosalf of the Nordic Alfar! I SYNCHRO SUMMON!! Loki Lord of the Aesir. (level 10 Synchro Spellcaster 3300 Atk) I equip him with Nordic Relic Draupnir. You know what why not equip him with two."


"I Attack your Lindwurm!"

(Opponents LP 4000-->1100)

"I end my turn"

"Nice move kid, but not nice enough! I SUMMON DINO SEWING! I throw one card face down and end my turn."

"Uhh is that your big comeback? This duel is mine! Loki attack Dino Sewing!"

"I activate Mirror Force! Now all of your Attack position Monsters are destroyed."

"I use Loki's effect, I negate the activation of your trap card and destroy it! THIS IS GAME!"

(Opponents LP 1100-->0)

"Nice move applicant, welcome to the academy."

"Thanks!" I look towards the crowd. "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!?!?!?"


Sorry about the short duel, I'm not good with simulating duels. But there will be better ones in the future I promise. But for now, enjoy the story.

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