Part 2

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On the helicopter ride to the academy I slept through the whole thing and now I think this guy named Vincent Stillwell hates me. Anyway back to the story "Whats happening?" I say waking up groggily. "The opening ceremonies are starting" Vincent said. "Now get up and lets go!" I got up and left the helicopter rubbing my eyes. "That was a nice nap." I said full of energy now. "YOU WERE DROOLING ON ME YOU ASSHOLE!" Vincent yelled. "Jeez man I'm sorry, maybe you should NOT BE SO GOD DAMN COMFORTABLE TO LAY ON!!" I yelled back. "Now shut up and lets go! WHEN DO WE GET TO DUEL?!?!?!?" I said excitedly. I looked around and notice Vincent was gone. "File into the school where you will be ranked based on your scores." One of the teachers said. I walked into the school and after a few hour of waiting in line I was next. "State your name." "Gavin Gebhart" I replied. He looked on his list and went to the back. "You would have made it into Obelisk Blue or Ra Yellow if your written scores were high enough. Osiris Red" They said while handing me a red jacket. I sighed "dammit" I looked over and saw Vincent was put into Obelisk Blue. "Hey Vincent! Where did you run off to?" I asked him. "None of your business! Now we know i'm leagues above you." He gloated as if he had won the lottery and was rubbing it in my face. "Color of the jacket doesn't determine the duelist." I replied. "Just stay out of my way Osiris oaf and you wont get trampled" He said snobbishly as he walked off. I scoffed and looked around but couldn't find many people in Osiris Red. Those that I did find looked a little shady. As we continued we made it to the auditorium where a giant wide screen tv was. The screen suddenly turned on and there was a video of out headmaster. He looked about 17 maybe 18 and had long brown hair and wore a red and black jacket. "Hello newest duel academy students I am your headmaster Gavin Dawson, and I welcome you to the academy." I looked around and saw no one i recognized except a teacher. "Who is that teacher?" I asked the guy next to me. "Thats Professor Alex hes one of the hardest duelists to beat. How did you manage to beat him in your exam?" he replied. "I just got a good hand." I looked back up at the screen. "Hopefully you will be comfortable with your dorms. I think youll find them nice depending on how high you ranked"

(At the Osiris Dorm)

I laid down in my bed about to fall asleep when the door opened. "Hello?" a sheepish voice asked. I sat up "Yo" I replied. "Hi, I'm your roommate Shane." He said less scared. "I'm Gavin, nice to meet you." I replied. We sat there in silence waiting for someone to break the awkward pause. "So... You wanna duel?" I finally asked. "Sure." We headed outside and activated our duel disks. "DUEL!" we both said in unison.

"I'll start" he said as he drew his hand. "I'll just summon Performapal Skeeter Skimmer and end my turn with a face down."

"My turn" I drew my card "I summon Valkyrie of the Nordic Ascendant! And now her effect activates, if you control a monster and Valk was summoned I can banish two "Nordic" Monsters from my hand and summon 2 level 4 Einherjar Tokens. Now my Valkyrie tunes my tokens. I SYNCHRO SUMMON. Odin Father of the Aesir! (Level 10 Synchro Fairy monster with 4000 Atk) I'll activate his effect and make him unaffected by Spells and Traps until the end of the turn. NOW I ATTACK!"

"I use Skeeter Skimmers effect and switch him into defense mode to negate your attack." He said in response to my attack.

"Nice move Shane. I'll place one card face down and end my turn."

"I draw." He said "I summon Performapal Parrotrio and end my turn"

"My turn" I say as I draw my card. "I Summon Mara of the Nordic Alfar. Mara tunes my two level 4 monsters in my hand. I SYNCHRO SUMMON! Loki Lord of the Aesir." I activate the Equip Spell Nordic Relic Drapunir and equip it onto Odin. ODIN ATTACK HID PARROTRIO FOR GAME!!"

"I activate a trap, Magic Cylinder!" He shouted in response to my attack.

"I activate my spell, Ring of Defense!" I shouted

"Nice save Gavin, I thought that was game"

"I attack your Parrotrio with Loki"

(Opponents LP 4000--->1200)

"Parrotrios effect activates, I special summon Performapal Slight Hand Magician!" He shouted sounding much more comfortable when dueling.

"My turn ends"

"I draw! I activate Dark Hole destroying all monsters on the field. Now I activate Monster Reborn and bring back Slight hand Magician. NOW MAGICIAN ATTACKS YOU DIRECTLY!"

(My LP 4000-->1500)

"I end" he says

"Nice moves Shane I didn't expect this. I DRAW!" I drew my card and thank Osiris I drew Monster Reborn "I activate a spell that should seem familiar, MONSTER REBORN! Odin Father of the Aesir! Sorry Shane but game over, I ATTACK YOUR MAGICIAN WITH ODIN!"

(Opponents LP 1200--->0)


"Good job Gavin." I hear an unfamiliar voice say. I looked around but no one else was there. I shrugged it off and went to help Shane up. "I thought that Magic Cylinder card was my victory." He said in a small growling voice. "It came close but good game Shane."

(In the dorm again)

"So Gavin you use the Nordic Beasts?" Shane Asked. "Yea, I was raised at an Orphanage and all I had with me was this deck when I arrived, so they are like my family." I said looking back on my memories. "I didn't know those cards even existed until your exam." He stated in surprise. "I thought they were like any other series of cards." I said. "Nope!" A voice answered from the doorway. It was Vincent! "Vincent? What are you doing around here?" I asked shocked. "You seem to know what you're doing in a duel, so I came to challenge you." He said. "Dude its like the middle of the night go back to bed." I retorted climbing into bed. He stormed out angrily and that was that.


That duel seemed a bit better but not much. I'm just doing this for kicks so just chill and enjoy

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