2: Worked Up

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Grayson drove like a maniac, I was scared but didn't blame him. This was our dad. We finally pulled into the driveway and made our way inside, where we found our mom with her head on the table and our sister Cameron rubbing her back, I began to get nervous quickly.

"What's going on? Is he okay?" Grayson asked without hesitation. Cameron shushed us as if we would listen, but before we could protest she rushed us into the living room.

"So, dad is in the hospital. He's sick," Cameron spoke. I scratched my head.

"Okay and how long do you think he'll be in there before he comes home?" I asked. Cameron shifted her eyes towards mom.

"I-I don't think he's coming home t-this time," her eyes filled with tears. Grayson stormed outside, letting his anger fuel him. I couldn't do anything. I just felt numb.

Cameron explained that dad had cancer and it was spreading to other parts of his body. Sadly she was right, he'd only be around a few more days.

All I could think about is how we (Grayson and I) had been less of sons to him the past year. Even through being kicked out, we still loved him.

Now he was gonna he gone forever in the blink of an eye.

"I-I just wanna say thank you to each and every s-single one of you who, who c-came," mom struggled to get her words out, Cameron stepping up instead.

"Thank you, really. It would have meant so much to my dad seeing all of your faces, I k-know he's gonna," she paused, letting herself sob for a second. "I know he's gonna continue to be with us, just in spirit and I h-hope you a-all can feel his presence," she finished.

After the funeral I couldn't find Grayson, Emma was speaking to my mother across the room. I wanted her with me as selfish as that sounds. I needed her comfort. I needed her kisses. I needed her love. I sighed deciding to head outside for some air. It was almost dark so the air was a big chilly. I placed my hands inside my coat pocket, staring up at the sky. My eyes filled with tears, even though I didn't want them to. But you can only hold things in and try pushing them down for so long, until finally you break.

That's what I did, I broke. I fell to my knees. How could this even be real?

"Why? Why?! Why when I need someone the most? I can't, this h-hurts to much," I cried out.

Apparently Emma had walked out and heard me because she rushed over, wrapping her arms around me tightly, smothering my face with kisses. It helped, but I still sobbed. I fell into Emma's lap and let everything out.

"It's okay E, I'm here. Always here," Emma used her hands to wipe my tears.

"T-thank you, I l-love you," I choked out. She bent over, kissing me softly.

I didn't go to school the next few days and still felt empty inside as the weekend arrived. Emma called everyday to make sure I was okay and everyday I lied and said I was fine. I didn't want her worrying over me every second of the day. She still had a life to live even if mine sucked at the moment.

Grayson kept himself busy either working out or studying for classes we where missing, probably why it seemed as if he was okay, but I knew he wasn't. Who would be? I stared myself down in the mirror, of course I only had boxers on because I didn't feel like getting dressed. I had no where to be and nothing to do.

I stretched out on my bed and my phone rung. It was Emma FaceTiming me, so I obviously answered, making my turtle face. She laughed and pursed her lips.

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