19: Confessions

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Dedicated to: ethmaforeverrr for their kind words about both books on my message board. Thank you so much! Want one? Comment!


The plan to get Jake on tape confessing to what could have been rape was simple. It should work considering I knew he was scared of me, but someone he was certainly scared of is Grayson.

That's why everything was in place. Grayson set his phone memos to record and he headed down the halls towards Jake. He got stares and whispers but he didn't care. Neither did I. All that mattered was he get Jake to confess to everything.

Emma was watching from afar with me. She was happy that we were doing something like this for her but she was also scared that the detective was playing us. But I didn't think so. We held hands as we watched Grayson walk up to Jake and then got confused as they disappeared into the janitors closet. I grabbed Emma's hand and we rushed to the door, putting our ears against it to hear what was happening.

"You're sick! Why can't you just admit it Jake! All of this could be over if you would just admit it!" Grayson must have pushed him because he sound of supplies falling could be heard.

"I have nothing to admit except that Emma is lying!" Emma tensed and I began to get angry.

"Oh yeah how's she lying if Ellie walked in on you? Explain that!" Jake stuttered.

"She's just lying," he said once again. Grayson banged on the wall.

"No!" A huff of breath came from Grayson.

"Look no ones gonna believe you anyways, so what if I tried to fuck her?" Jake said and we froze. Here we go.

"So you did try to fuck her?" Grayson asked.

"Yeah but she was loopy from the stuff I put in her drink so she couldn't get away even if she wanted to and the only reason I didn't fuck her is because Ellie ruined it," Emma stepped back from the door. She slid her hand across her now wet face. But she smiled at me.

"Got em," I mouthed. We quickly rushed back down the hall and Grayson found his way back to us, the recording was all good. I can't believe we pulled that off with ease. Jake didn't even suspect a thing. Guess he's just dumb.

We all rushed out of the building to meet Ellie. We had one confession down and now we just needed to pinpoint Derrick and alert the authorities. They knew he was in contact with Tyler Anderson so that's where we knew we had to start. We also knew that both our car and moms was recognizable so Ellie offered to drive us, as long as she could stay in the car.

We all jumped in and Ellie sped out of the parking lot, we where all excused from class and had already been given what we would have missed. It didn't take long for us to arrive at the Andersons, I got out and walked to the door. He wouldn't talk to Grayson or anyone else most likely. I was still scared.

I knocked on the door and of course he answered.

"Dolan, I thought he killed you bro," he said with relief. I nodded.

"Hey Ty, I need a favor," I spoke up.

"What's that?" He asked.

"I need to know where Derrick is, as soon as possible. I have something I have to tell him," I lied. Tyler seemed confused.

"You wanna tell him something? He almost killed you," Tyler reminded. I nodded.

"I know, it's... complicated," I said. Tyler studied my face but pulled his phone out, I felt mine vibrate and I nodded.

"Thank you, I'll see you soon," but I wouldn't since he too would be put in jail.

I rushed back into the car and as we backed out listening to the GPS, Grayson called the detective and read the address off to him, they said they'd meet us there.

The drive was out of town to where I'm guessing he had fled after the incident. We eventually pulled up to another building that had an alley and I knew he'd be in that alley if anywhere. Ellie parked to where the car faced the alley head on and Grayson and I got out.

We walked slowly into the alley and heard laughing along with the sound of glass clinking together. I looked at Gray and we turned the corner, crossing our arms. I cleared my throat and the guys froze, one of them turning to look at us. Derrick. I gulped and we backed into the light where we could see the car.

"I don't believe it," Derrick scoffed.

"Well believe it, cause I'm here." I stood my ground. The cops would be pulling up any second. He came to stand in front of us and our back turned to Ellie's car.

"You are really stupid Dolan, I mean I thought you were before. But this," He chickened.

"No, contrary to what you believe I think I'm smart, right Grayson?" Grayson agreed.

"Oh, and why's that?" He questioned as the sirens could be heard in the distance.

"Because, I made some friends, and they're coming for you Derrick. Right, now," I smiled.

"Well then, let's leave them a surprise," Grayson grabbed my arm as Derrick pulled a gun.

"No!" Grayson and I hit the ground as the gun went off. Everything was still, me and Grayson, our thoughts, the gang, time.

"NOOOO- NO!" The blood curdling scream of Emma filled everyone's ears and Derrick dropped the gun.

Gray and I turned our heads in their direction, standing slowly. Our ears were ringing.

Time didn't become faster, even after the scream. It got slower. It didn't speed up after the cops arrived pulling out their guns at Derrick. It didn't speed up when Emma was screaming and kicking as she was removed from the car.

Time didn't speed up for Ellie, who's blood was on Emma's clothes and face, and her windshield now cracked.

Ellie Thumann was dead.


A/N: I-

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More updates later.

Thanks for reading.

-dolansancturary 💗

Instagram: dolansancturary

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