6: Starving

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I woke up to the sound of my mom yelling at me to wake up. It was Saturday and I really didn't feel like getting up. But I did to make my mom happy. I sat up, rubbing my eyes and looking around my room. It was around nine and stood up, walking to my window. The car was gone which meant Grayson most likely went to be with James.

I didn't know what I was gonna do today but plans seemed to unveil as I received a text.

Sydney🤞: Hey E, miss you. I'm walking to your house rn, I'm bored and wanna see you 💗
Me: Okay, I'll be outside waiting

I grabbed some clothes from my drawers and went into the bathroom, pulling my clothes on and making sure my hair was fluffy. I slid on my shoes, unplugging my phone and sliding it into my pocket. I headed downstairs and grabbed a water from the refrigerator. Mom must have left because she wasn't anywhere in the house anymore.

I headed outside and sat on the top step of the porch to wait for Sydney. That's when it hit me. If I wanted all of the details about why they hate me and Sydney then maybe instead of calling or texting I could be in their faces and they'd have no choice but to tell me. I couldn't keep going knowing that Emma didn't love me anymore and not know the reason why. It was pure torture. I had to know what was so bad that she just removed me from her life.

Sydney's heals clanking against the sidewalk made me lift my head and she smiled. I shook walking to her.

"C'mon I have to go somewhere, and you're coming with me," I said and she didn't question, she just followed me.

"So where is it exactly that we're going?" She grabbed my hand.

"Uh, Ellie's. I need to ask her about something," I felt Sydney's hand squeeze mine a little harder.

"Oh. About what?"

"Ya know, school stuff. Nothing to worry about," I lied. I don't know why I lied but something told me Sydney didn't wanna go for some reason.

We walked for a while longer and I eventually was sweating, the temperature still hadn't changed much so it was hot. Of course Grayson had the car. We headed down a few more streets until I spotted Ellie's house. I let go of Sydney's hand and she followed closely behind me. We walked up to the door and I paused right before knocking. You can do this. Just knock. 1. 2. 3.

I knocked and waited as I heard noises coming closer to the door. It swung open and Ellie froze seeing not only me but Sydney. She bit her tongue and shook her head.

"Are you kidding me Ethan?" She said. I walked in not bothering to wait until we where invited in. "Hey!"

"Look you don't wanna give me answers fine, but I know what Emma's doing again," Sydney looked at me.

"Emma? What are you talking about her for? You said we where coming here so you could ask questions about school!" I ignored her and kept talking.

"Ellie, I cried myself to sleep the other night because I miss her so much and I don't even know what I've done. So the least you could do is tell me what I've done, please." Ellie crosses her arms and looked up at the ceiling.

"Ethan lets go, she won't tell you anyways," Sydney spoke up. Ellie looked at her and squinted.

"Sydney why are you even here? You've got some nerve," Ellie said.

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