29: Have Hope

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*Jame's POV* (From beginning of the night up until end of last chapter)

WARNING: This chapter contains hot tea ladies, hold on to your wigs ;)

The dinner double date was going well, Grayson was the love of my life and I think he knew it. He could do anything and I'd still love him, even if he ever stopped loving me. I loved his smile, his personality and even his anger. It made him who he was.

There was something Emma and I had been hiding, we couldn't tell either one of them because we weren't certain of what to do. Emma
had came to me this morning before Ethan was awake. She was crying, so I obviously talked to her.


A knock on my bedroom door at nine in the morning was a little weird. Considering everyone else usually slept in on weekends, even Emma. So you could imagine my surprise when I saw her standing there, tears running down her face. I stepped quietly out of my room not wanting to wake Grayson.

"Are you okay?" I asked. She nodded.

"I'm scared," she said. I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Why? Or what?" She but her lip.

"Don't say anything... I think I just had morning sickness," my heart sped up. My mouth hung open.

"W-What?" I asked shocked.

"What do I do?" She said frantically. I shook my head and covered my face. "I'm supposed to go with Ethan all day! What do I do? I can't say anything without being sure," she said.

"Okay, go with him and I'll figure something out," I said. She nodded and I hugged her.

"Thank you," she said before walking back down the hall.

*End Flashback*

I had went and done the only thing I knew to do. I bought pregnancy test. There were three in the box and I thought that was good so that we could check multiple times. While the thought of my friend having a baby was cute and exciting, it was also scary. What was she gonna do at this age with a baby?

That's why in the middle of dinner I decided to make her follow me to the bathroom. We walked in and I locked the door taking her inside a stall.

"What are we-" I pulled out the test and she gulped.

"Do all three now, we'll come back later and check it." She was hesitant. "Emma come on, you have to know for sure," I pushed. She nodded, shooing me out of the stall.

"Okay I'm done," she said after a few minutes.

"Okay hide them somewhere in case someone else come in before we get back," I instructed.

As we made our way nonchalantly back to the table I told her to laugh so they didn't think anything was up, we sat down and then the whole thing with Kian happened. I didn't see why Ethan was so rude about it, it was an accident. I think. I hadn't been told the full story but I could tell Kian was nice.

Emma kept glancing at me and I just smiled, nodding towards Ethan. After a few minutes she coughed, and held her stomach.

"James, come on," she said. I didn't hesitate to follow her. We went back to the stall and she reached behind the toilet, shrugging when I gave her a judgmental look.

"What if they all say positive? I'm not ready for this and neither is Ethan, I mean we just started our lives," he voice was shaky and her lip quivered. I felt bad and teared up myself.

"I don't know, Emma. Just have hope," I didn't know what else to say even though I was sure it wouldn't matter. How could you have hope in that situation?

She took a deep breath and looked down at the test, her head rolled back and a small cry escaped her lips. She shakily handed me the tests as she walked to the toilet and puked.

I looked at the test before tossing them in the trash. My heart rate was increasing. I helped Emma pull herself together and we went back to the table. We weren't like before where we laughed to play it off, we couldn't laugh. I barely noticed the food was sitting in my spot. Grayson was already halfway done so I began to eat.

Kian never showed up again and I think Ethan was happy about that.

Everything was quiet for a while as we all ate our dinner. Suddenly Emma's hand grabbed mine. I looked at her with a nod and smiled.

"E-Ethan," he looked up from his phone, her voice was shaky and tears built up in her eyes.

"Emma? Are you okay? What's wrong?" She shook her head.

"M'fine. I-I have to tell you something," my heart rate was through the roof and Grayson had started listening in at this point and noticed Emma's grip on my hand.

"I-I'm pregnant."

Grayson huffed and Ethan ran a hand through his hair. Ethan stood and walked out. I didn't blame him, neither did Emma. She stood and followed him.

"That's what you two have been up to since this morning," Grayson said out of the blue. I nodded.

"She asked me not to say anything until she knew for sure, and well all the test were positive," I said as a tear fell. Grayson stood and grabbed my hand.

"Come on, lets make sure they're okay," we headed out the door.

Emma and Ethan stood against the wall outside not saying anything. I glanced at Grayson who shrugged.

*Ethan's POV*

I couldn't process what I had been told. There was no way. But then again, unless Emma cheated it had to be mine. My thoughts were scrambled as I leaned against the wall of the restaurant.

"Say something," Emma whispered. I looked at her but I didn't say anything, I couldn't say anything.

We leaned against the wall for a while, Grayson and James watching from a short distance waiting on whatever was happening next.

I needed to think, but I knew in the end what I'd have to do. Stick to my plan.

"I think... I think you'll be a great mom," I said. The word feeling foreign to my tongue. At least using it that way.

"Really?" She sniffled. I nodded and smiled.

"Really," I clarified.

"Well I think, you'll be a great dad."

I was not gonna get used to that. Ever. But the night wasn't over because I had one last surprise up my sleep, and how weird it was that this came out on the same night.

I would remember this night for the rest of my life, and so would Emma.



Any guesses on the last surprise? Thoughts on Emma being pregnant?? Did you see it coming??

Don't forget to vote and comment for dedications!! I want one for the last chapter so if you've never had one raise your hand :) 

Also, be sure to let me know about "Break Up with your GF" bc idk if you guys want the same plot only with Ethma or if you want the original plan orrr a complete new idea and story!!

I love you all and thanks for reading!!

-dolansancturary 💗

Instagram: dolansancturary

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