Chapter Two; The Sorting

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The Hogwarts Express pulled into the Hogsmeade station and students began to pile out onto the platform. First years looked around in slight awe and apprehension, while upper years made their way to the self-drawn carriages.

"Firs' years, firs' years over here!"The voice belonged to a large man, who had too much hair and small eyes. "This all of ya'? Follo' me."

The youngest year carefully followed behind the half-giant, their eyes squinting to see in the dark. The path was narrow and seemed to go on forever, that was until it opened up on to a small bay. The trees still hid any view that open water may have provided. Resting on the bank of the bay was a fleet of old wooden boats. 

"Four to a boat, now"

Helena and Hadrian glanced at each other, before climbing into a boat. They were quickly followed by a platinum haired boy and girl who had a pug face. The four exchanged polite nods before turning their attention to the front of the fleet.

" 'Ight now, all on? Good. Forward!" The half-giant boomed. With a little jolt the boats began to move.

The moment the boats passed into the lake, gasps were heard from all the first years as they laid their eyes on Hogwarts for the first. The castle stood tall, overlooking the lake and all its land. Towers reached to the sky, and lighted windows seemed to truly blink down at the students. No one said a thing, too caught up in the beauty of the castle.

A splash to the fleets left, took some people out of their awe. A lone tentacle seemed to wave at the students before submerging once again into water, leaving many students confused and slightly afraid.

Slowly and surely the new first years made their way across the lake, seemingly heading directly for the cliff face. The boats approached a wall of ivy and moss, and some students began to worry if they were going to crash.

"Watch yer heads!" The first years ducked, the back of their heads brushing against the ivy.

A small cavern lay before them. Docks lined its walls, a place for each boat clearly visible. On the wall opposite of the ivy was a large set of wooden doors. The boats carefully went into a seeming predetermined place, and the students all climbed out, slowly making their way towards the doors.

"Oi, is this anyone's toad?" Sitting in the half-giants hand was a slightly over weight brown toad.

"Trevor!" The blonde boy rushed forward, grabbing his toad.

"Right then. Make way." The half-giant raised and knocked on the doors two times.

The first years held their breath. A moment passed then another, before the large doors swung inwards, revealing a very stern look woman in emerald robes.

"The fir't yea's, Professor McGonagall."

"Thank you, Hagrid, I'll take care of them. Follow me, all of you."

Shuffling behind her, the first years took their first steps into Hogwarts, their heads turning and looking at all they possibly could. Large stone walls  loomed above them, meeting at curved ceilings. Portraits lined the walls leaving very little space untouched, as their magical properties allowed for their contents to move frame to frame. The first years shuffled past a set of large, wooden doors from which laughter and voices came from. The professor herded the children into a small antechamber, her gaze traveling over all of them and seemingly evaluated each student in turn.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. In a few minutes you'll be sorted and joining your housemates for the feast. There are four houses, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. While you are here, your house will be like a family. You will eat and attend classes with your housemates, and a your actions can have your house gain or lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points will earn the house cup. I will go make sure that they are ready for you, I suggest that you smarten yourselves up in the mean time".

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2020 ⏰

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