Chapter Two: Deep into the woods

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*five years later*

Moose's POV

I hate it here! My aunt is so mean to me and my uncle is hardly here most of the time! At least I still have Shark and Goldy. They've been here more than me so yea. I then walk down stairs to the kitchen. My aunt was there cooking breakfast. She look at me with disgusted look. "No food for you." She said. "Well that's fine. Don't want your burnt food anyways."

 I said to her. She then came up to me and slaps me in the face. "How dare you, say that about my cooking!" She said angerly. I look at her with a 'boi you did not just do that' face. But my voice soon change. "If you were a man then I would of make sure your eyes were blood shut red and you were covered in blood.

I soon came back who my normal self to see my aunt holding a knife in hand. "I don't have time for this." I said then walk out the door. The bright morning sun was up and ready to start the day. I then walk to school. 'Well the day will be ruin once again by those bullies of mine.' I thought. 

I soon saw Shark and Goldy waiting by the gate. We all talk about random things and the bell rang. We all went inside the school. 'Hope the bullies aren't here.' I thought. And the day begins.

??? POV

I was walking around in the woods, searching for anything to eat. I then came across a deer. I hid in the bushes, waiting to strike. The deer looked the other way, and I then prounced out at it. I killed it with my sharp teeth dug deep into it's flesh.

I soon then drag the dead deer to the camp sight. Everyone looked over to me and saw the deer. "OoOh~ Seems like you caught something good!" A girl said, she looks like a tiger mix with a human female, brownish reddish hair, and dark green eyes.

 "The poor animal... But I understands it's sacrifices.." Another girl said, she had a pink dress with some white streak, a pink bow, brown hair, and wolf ears and tail with a fade of pink, with a bright green eyes. "You want me to get you something besides the deer?" I ask knowing she wouldn't like eating animals. "No that's ok, I will get that myself." The girls said and then went off. "Seems like you got something. How was it?" A boy said to me. He had a black hoodie with a fire symbol on it, jeans, black shoes, black hair, dark grey eyes and a tanish skin.

"Well it took long enough that's for sure." I said to him. "If it was me getting the food like that then I would of burnt it." He said laugh. "Yea thats sure is true." I said laughing also. "Well since it's mt turn to take the night shift so yea. I need to head off now." He said then walks off for the night. 

'How did the war started?' I thought. I never knew why it started or how it did. I look down at my marked hand. 'An Alpha must protects its love ones.' I thought while looking at the symbol. But then I heard rustling in the bushes. I stand up with my hands in ready for a fight. A wait to see a....

Moose's POV (few hours before)

Ok! That's it! "Guys want to run away with me?" I said getting tired of everything. They looked at me. "Why are you running away?" Shark ask. "I'm tired of everything! I always get home just to get a flipped beating! And go to school just to get a whole lot of beating too! I'm just so done  with it all!" I shouted. Then Goldy and Shark hug me.

"Hey it's ok! We will come with you! Plus it's kinda boring around here!" Goldy stated. Shark just nod. "Ok then lets start now!" I said and then we went off to the near by woods we saw. We went in and followed the path in front of us. "Ok so we just want to follow the path or not?" Shark ask. 

"Well if we are leaving then we should probably not." Goldy said. "But about food and water?" I ask. "Ha! I'm a Harinan! We make sure we have it all undercover!" Goldy said reassuring the fact. "Ok, if you say so." I said. From the corner of my eye, I thought I saw a boy running through the path to the other side. 

*at night*

"Guys? I think we went too deep." Goldy said looking around us. "Yea, The food will last us at least a week. But if we don't find the path we will not be able to do anything." Shark said. I look up to the sky to see the dark blue night sky. "Any it's dark. Great" I said. "Well then-" We all stop and heard a faint voice coming from the near by bushes. I started walking but Goldy kept telling to stop. I didn't listen and walk to the noise. 

A boy with a green hoodie with a purple streak in the middle, black jeans, orange hair, a cap, and black shoes. His eyes were a light sky blue. But what confuses me is the wolf ears and tail. I think I'm hallucinating because of the forests magic or something else. 

The boy then look towards my direction. I still hear Goldy's voice calling to me to get out of the bushes. The boy slowly went towards me. My vision started to be blurry every second. I look at the bushes I am in. I notice it had a tint of a flower of some sort. I then notice I was on the ground in front of the boy. Then everything went dark from there.....


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