Nursing Professor Pompous. Chapter 1

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By Maia's Pen

COVER ART: I have commissioned pro cover art by the amazing wooserr. 

Disclaimer: You are about to embark on a little Egoshipper. I have rated this story 'TEEN' as it involves some sexual-innuendoes. If "sexy humor" isn't your thing, then you probably ought to skip this tale. I'm but a humble Gary fangirl providing a fangirl service.

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Chapter 1

I hit Gary Oak with my car.

A firm tap upon Misty's shoulder snapped her from her stupefied shock. This firm finger belonged to Officer Jenny, she had just departed Professor Gary Oak's room in the Emergency Ward of the Lumiose City hospital. Misty had been sitting anxiously in the waiting room for over an hour and under strict police orders not to leave.

"Well, Miss Waterflower, you're in luck," Officer Jenny's tone was matter-of-fact, "Professor Oak isn't pressing charges."

Misty inhaled deeply for the first time since realizing that she hadn't backed into an Oak tree, but rather a real Oak person. "Thank you," she really meant it.

"Don't thank me, thank Professor Oak." Officer Jenny raised a scrutinizing eyebrow. "When you backed into him his shoe caught on the curb! The professor lost his balance and banged his head on the pavement, knocking him out cold! He has a broken foot and will be in a cast for the next 6-8 weeks."

"That's so awful! Can I please see him? I would like to apologize and thank him, in person."

"Yes, Miss Waterflower. He's asked me to send you in. Room E-7. Since we've already filled out the accident report and insurance paperwork, I am all done with you."

"Thank you, Officer Jenny. I am SO sorry." Misty bowed her head, shame devouring the relief she had just dared to feel. Misty was ever-so-thankful that the young professor was not suing her or pressing any charges at all. But the guilt festering in her stomach was nearly unbearable. A broken foot! 6-8 weeks in a cast! And she was to blame.

Officer Jenny only nodded. The skeptical look in her eyes communicated that: she could not believe Professor Gary Oak was letting Misty off, scot-free. Misty couldn't blame her, neither could she.

What a day!

Misty blinked back tears as she made her way toward room E-7. What were the chances of backing into a person today – let alone Ash Ketchum's childhood rival, Gary Oak! What would Ash's reaction be when he found out? Her best friend teased her for making any odd clumsy mistake, but he was going to roast her 'Flareon-style' for this one! Since Gary was indeed okay, Ash was going to find extreme hilarity in the situation. But Misty would have her mallet ready to shut him up! Ash aside, what was everyone else going to think of her? That she was a menace, an airhead, an irresponsible danger to society?! What was Gary going to say when she walked into his hospital room? Misty grimaced because, deep-down, she knew that Gary's opinion was the only one that actually mattered.

Misty had not even seen Gary Oak in person for several years. Running the Gym full-time was so demanding that Misty rarely left Cerulean City these days. She had only heard through the gossip chain (AKA Professor Samuel Oak Senior to Delia Ketchum to Ash to her) that Gary was now a hotshot Pokemon researcher.

Allegedly he had obtained three doctoral graduate degrees before most of his peers completed an undergraduate one, blah blah blah. Or some other such unbelievable brainiac feat. Whether or not that was entirely accurate, Gary Oak was - at the very least- a Professor of Pokemon. He was obviously a young man of importance. Misty was counting her lucky Staryus that he wasn't having her thrown in jail!

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