Nursing Professor Pompous. Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Gary Oak was not only an accomplished Pokemon researcher, but he was also an accomplished backseat driver. Less than a minute into their commute and Misty wished that she had broken his jaw instead of his foot.

"The speed limit IS 75. Not drive like you're 75. C'mon, Waterflower. There are Muks on the road passing us. I wanna get home before my painkillers wear off."

Misty forced her lips together. The effort to choke down what she wanted to say was worse than swallowing vomit. I can handle him. I can keep my cool. He did not sue you, he did not have you arrested, remember that. You have to play nice.

"Professor Oak," Misty spoke his name with (nearly unbearably) forced sweetness. "I've never had an injured person as my passenger before. I'm more comfortable taking my time."

"And while grandma is takin' the scenic route, I'm scrunched between boxes of Net Balls! What, are you-- catching the entire ocean? Who needs a zillion Net Balls, anyway?"

Misty gagged as another rancid insult nearly tore free from her lips. Being forced to chug down her pride for the entire night was going to take all of the self-control that she possessed.

She studied 'Grumpy Gary' in the rearview mirror. To be fair, he was pretty squashed between all of the boxes. Even a non-broken-footed person would have been uncomfortable, so his complaints weren't entirely unjustified. It was just that his complaints out-numbered the amount of Net Balls surrounding him!

"I like to stock up," Misty explained. "I don't travel here to Kalos very often."

"Stocking up is buying a box or two. You are a Trubbish – a HOARDER." Gary ceased insulting her to point out the window. "Turn left. My apartment is on Vernal Avenue. #58. Across from the Stone Emporium. You CAN parallel park, right?"

"Yes. I can parallel park." Even through gritted teeth, Misty still remained calm.

She spied a perfect spot - directly in front of his door. Thank the heavens, finally break that wasn't Gary's bones.

"Be careful, there are pedestrians walking by."

"I SEE them. I'll have you know, Oak, I've been driving for ten years and you are my first accident."

"First?" Gary scoffed loudly. "Doubtful. But I'm certainly not your last. After driving with you, I can't believe you even passed your road test."

C'mon, Waterflower, Misty coached herself. Just ignore him. You can do this. Just feed him and put him to bed. The house nurse will be here by tomorrow morning. Misty glanced at her watch, it was nearly 6PM. With any luck Gary's pain meds would knock him out and he'd sleep clear until her replacement arrived. Misty forced herself to smile and rotated to face the young professor in her backseat. "Apartment key, please?"

Well, this was going to be an especially annoying sight: Gary trying to find his apartment key. He was going to struggle and Misty was going to let him do it! She would not offer to assist him and she knew his prideful ass would never ask for aid. Back at the hospital Gary could not put his pants back on. The jeans he was wearing (post-accident) would not fit over his casted foot. Therefore he was sent home IN his hospital gown. He had been too stubborn to let the nurse cut his jeans into shorts, and so he was wheelchair'd out just as he was: his frontside was totally covered. But as most hospital gowns go, the back was only laced together in three places, leaving him nearly barebacked. His Blubabsuar underwear was even showing! The gown was only knee length, showcasing his naked legs. And to complete the look, he wore one sneaker on his left foot. His right sneaker, jeans, shirt and personal effects were clutched in a plastic bag. He now had to locate his pants within the plastic bag (2 minutes), then fish around in his pocket (1 minute), until (fast forward five more tedious minutes) he finally withdrew his apartment key.

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