Nursing Professor Pompous. Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Arbok snuggled into Gary's chest, pressing his forehead against his heart as though the endgame were to melt together. Flesh fingers stroked scales. Reptilian eyes lulled shut as human ones shone with unveiled affection.

As Gary turned his attention on Misty the raw devotion was devoured by raw disturbance. "Well, you gonna pick a movie or what, Waterflower?"

"Charrrrrbok!" Hissed Gary's backup.

Misty could have minded her own business and picked a movie.

But then she wouldn't be Misty.

"Where did you find Arbok? I really wanna know. I- I think I've seen him before."

Gary and Arbok both stiffened. The human was instantly sobered from his mocking mood as the snake cocked his head at her. Misty knew that Arbok returned her recognition. She wished that he was capable of saying more than just his own name.

Taking the liberty of a deep, thoughtful breath Gary organized his words. His eyes never leaving those of his Pokemon. "Last year I started volunteering at the local Pokemon Center. I was able to gain hands-on first aid experience from Nurse Joy and help a lot of injured Pokemon in the process. Win-win. One night a good samaritan came in with Arbok. She'd found him laying by the road. Arbok was badly injured physically, but worse, his spirit was crushed."

". . . arrrrbok." came a dejected squeak, confirming the sad story.

"Arbok's trainer had abandoned him. Poor Arbok was clinically depressed, he wouldn't even eat. The trainer who had raised him, who he'd loved, just gave up on him." Gary made eye contact with her now, and for the first time, all pomposity was vanquished. He had shed his insufferable skin, but Misty could not quite pinpoint what emotion he exposed.

Sighing, Gary blinked, severing their fleeting moment of . . . of what?

"Long story short, I ended up adopting him."

Gary adopted one of Chaz's 'throw away' Pokemon.

Newfound admiration for Gary Oak almost knocked Misty's mind off its proverbial 'mind feet'. The unbearably obnoxious Gary Oak! The irritating-as-all-hell Gary Oak! The I'd-rather-get-a-piggy-back-ride-on-an-Electrobuzz-across-the-ocean-than-spend-any-more-time-with Gary-Oak, he had . . .

. . . a big heart?

A warm, selfless heart possibly bigger than his own ego?

Ugly shame boiled within Misty now. How could she have been friendly with — let alone romantic with — Chaz? The despicable scumbag Chaz! The breaker-of-Arbok's-heart Chaz! The douchebag-who-had-abandoned-countless-other-Pokemon-on-his-quest-for-fame-and-she'd-rather-brush-her-teeth-with-the-slop-from-a-Muk's-ass—than-ever-see-him-again Chaz!

Yes, Misty had ended their relationship specifically because Chaz's behavior was repulsive to her. But even this fact could not quell the waves of humiliation that beat against her morale.

Misty seized ahold of her wits like a life-raft, she did not want Gary to see the storm of inner turmoil raging within her. She had to speak: "How very good of you, Oak." Misty meant it, but immediately berated herself. The compliment was pitifully underwhelming for how truly impressed she was. She verbally paddled on, so wanting Gary to comprehend how awed she was by his kindness toward the snake. "Arbok looks so happy and healthy. Are you training him? His size is amazing and he looks strong. I think he'd be a shoo-in at any beauty pageant. He could do—-"

The Return of Rude Gary! He did not even let her finish the sentence. "Arbok doesn't have to DO anything for me. He doesn't have to battle other Pokemon. He doesn't have to win awards in beauty pageants. He doesn't even have to scare off rodents in the backyard. Arbok is my roommate, my friend." Arbok nuzzled into Gary's chest, cooing like a freshly-hatched Ekans. "Isn't that right, buddy? You n' me. Just a pair of cool bachelors, hanging out and livin' the good life."

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