Nursing Professor Pompous. Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Gary and Arbok were finishing up in the bathroom.

Misty and Misty were arguing in the living room.

In other words, she was berating herself.

You can NOT have a crush on Gary Oak! C'mon, Waterflower, reality check. No crushing on Oak. Zero crushage. Zilch. No means no! NO WAY!

Misty willingly sank into Gary's couch cushions, imaging that her 'shameful Oak craving' was a stone and the couch was a magical bottomless well. Now her feelings would plummet away into oblivion.

Fare-thee-well, Oak Crush! Good riddance!

She waved as those inconvenient feelings disappeared, freeing her mind from the Pretty Professor.

GONE! What a relief!

Actually, um, no.

Her imaginary self tossed a Pokeball into the well which (somehow) caught her crushy-feels and returned them.

So, WHY can't I have a crush on Oak?

Are you really asking yourself this, Waterflower?! That's the dumbest question of the year. For starters, he is insufferable to be around. You'd end up bashing his face in with a mallet before your first date ended. He is more annoying than Jessie and James from Team Rocket . . . combined!

Okay, so he's confident and confidence is sexy. Yes, he's also brilliant and brains are hot. Sure, he's quick-witted and compassionate, loves Pokemon . . . Face it, Waterflower, the guy has a heart of gold and a rock hard body to match. Even bantering with him is irritatingly addictive! That awesome tattoo, flirty smile, killer hair, those piercing blue eyes . . .

NO! Snap out of it, girl! You just ended a relationship. You need another man in your life like you need a Caterpie for a wig! Gary lives in an entirely different region anyway. Long-distance relationships, ugh, they never work. And what makes you think he'd even be interested anyway? For all you know he is already dating someone, or, a multitude of someones. Or if he were interested, he might just want some 'recreational mating' like a damn Slowpoke. And you are not that kind of girl. So just cool your hormones. By this time tomorrow you'll be back in Cerulean City and Gary Oak will be here under the expert care of a qualified nurse. There is no reason for your paths to cross again. You can put this unfortunate situation behind you.

Misty nodded definitively to herself. She had presented a convincing case. This was a stupid, lusty infatuation and she knew it.

Fare-thee-well, Oak Crush! Good riddance! This time the imaginary Pokeball went down the well-to-oblivion, too.

Misty rummaged through her overnight bag. It was time to put on some pajamas and start winding down. She had two attire options. The first was a baggy Magikarp set of PJs that Delia Ketchum had given her for Christmas. It was a size-too-big, but the fabric was plush and enfolded her like one of Delia's hugs. Option two was less . . . modest. It was a sultry little top and pant set. The top was black, sleeveless, snug and a mid-drift which showcased her flat swimmers stomach. The matching pants were skin tight leggings. The leggings flaunted sheer mesh stripes, which zig-zagged up the length of her leg from her ankles to the highest points of her thighs. Her sisters referred to these as 'notice me pants', guaranteed to attract attention from the opposite sex. This outfit was a risqué gift from her sister, Lilly. Though it looked a bit racy (okay very racy), it was surprisingly comfortable. Misty practically lived in this outfit within privacy of her home. And she had worn it several times to yoga class with her sisters. The 'sexy leggings look' was very trendy right now, and Misty never felt out of place wearing them at yoga class. In fact, that was why this outfit was in her suitcase to begin with. Had she not hit Gary with her car, Misty was going to drop in at a local yoga studio to stretch before the long boat ride home.

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