Review Structure

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These are the points of review and judgment.

1. Book Cover

Is it eye-catching? 

What impression does it make?

2. Description & Prologue

Is it too long or too short? 

What impression does it leave? 

Does it make the reader interested?

(NOTE: If there is no prologue, that is perfectly fine, the description will be the focus.)

3. Chapters

First chapter impression; does it make the reader wish to continue? 

Does it live up to expectations? Is it keeping the reader engaged?

 Is there a good flow? Is it fast-paced or slower paced?

 Is the imagery coming across well or falling short?

4. Diction

Are the words used interesting or making sense? 

Is it readable for a select audience or can everyone read it? 

What is the overall tone that the words are painting? 

Are the words that are overused or don't quite make sense?

5. Grammar

Are the sentences correct? Is there proper punctuation? 

Are there any suggested changes to sentence structure or format?

6. Plot

Is it rushed or too slow?

Are the characters relatable or too unnatural?

 Does it keep the reader wanting to continue? 

Is it something memorable?

7. Final Notes

How can the story be made better or improved upon? Any further advice?

(NOTE: These are just small comments to try to help you as a writer.)


Do you have any questions or doubts? Please comment on this chapter and I will answer them to the best of my ability.

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