Love Lessons by faraahfanfic

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faraahfanfic  I did this review before opening up the Book Reviews in an actual book, so I will place the overall review here.

1. Book Cover:

 Bold and dramatic, very edgy looking. I'm not sure if it entirely fits the light airy and refreshing tone of the first few chapters, but it does match the tension in later chapters.

2. Description/Prologue:

I'm not entirely sure if the description was fitted to what I read. It makes it sound as if the MC and Tae will have more spotlight, but I read mostly MC and JK interacting. Perhaps something that is more open-ended would work, to show that the reader will start off at the very start line for the love triangle.

3.  Chapters:  (1-19)

They are rather easy to read, quick and impactful, though I did suggest a more consistent paragraphing structure be used so the eye could read and rest more easily.

4. Diction/Grammar:

First of all, I'd like to say you have a very good base tone to your story. It is light, playful and airy, so very refreshing and relaxing. You have more of a short story writing style, which means you bring you imagery and scenery and characters to life in an efficient, quick and easy-to-read way. I'm a wordy person, so please take all I say with a grain of salt since your style is a bit different than mine and I am biasedly telling you things based on what I would do.

Personally, I'd say to not be afraid of pushing sentences into thicker paragraphs for more fluid flow while reading. A paragraph can be three sentences long if you want to keep that easy and airy tone to the writing, but it would be more fluid in reading. You have lovely grammar and structure, so that would be all the advice I have on the structure.

5. Characters/Scenery:

Ooo~ The drama~ I love it~ For this, my advice would be to peer into the thoughts of the characters a little more. We get glimpses of what they are thinking, but instead of presenting them as straight forwards "she was pissed!" perhaps you can use something to expand on that a bit. "Her anger burned through her veins and her heart thundered at his lack of caring." 

It just gives the reader more of an idea what type of anger it is and how much the character feels in that moment about what is going on. It also shows what makes the emotion so strong in the first place. 

Another example would be "she feel so dizzy and her body ached all over" could also be expanded to "The world tipped and swayed and spun. Her stomach rolled as if she were in the belly of a ship on turbulent waters, her body aching from the sudden flux of unease. All the anger that had rush through her, left making her feel shaky and pale and extremely unsteady. That wasn't normal, right?"

Again it just expands the image you want to the pain of a small injury bringing massive consequences that don't feel quite normal for the situation. I assumed you wanted that feeling to be highlighted on so that is just my suggestion. Highlight and expand on what you want to infer as important. 

Ch 8   AH such good imagery in this chapter! I love how you paint the scene around our characters now with a bit more detail! I love seeing what they are doing while talking and getting the image of them all in my head as if it were a movie. And of course my bias Namjoon is present so I am exceedingly happy~

Ch 10  You've grown a lot in your writing from the first chapter to this one! Your paragraphs are longer and more detailed. Everything flows smoothly and you certainly know how to keep your readers wanting more.

ch 11 Hm in this one I'd say you should try to stitch together your dialogue and descriptive paragraphs more. Text painting within the descriptive paragraphs you do well, but the visual overall is a bit too spread out and jarring. I'd like to see you push things together more concisely so there isn't a hint of anxiety in the visual length of your story. Readers can get a little stressed out if things look too overwhelming, so giving them consistent spaces between paragraphs can help them read at an easier pace.

6. Plot:

Ah~ but I really love your bright writing tone~ You switch between moods so easily and well~Ooooh~ Good Line of words~~~ I love large illustrative words~ "Incredibly inconsiderate" is such a wonderful description~Ahhh the tension mounts! I love how fresh and bright your writing style is~ I know I keep saying that but it is so true! This reminds me of interactive dating kdramas on Youtube for some reason. I think it's because you give us bits of savory story and make me want to read more and more and see what happens next.

Apologies if I don't have much to say, but that may be a good thing when being reviewed? :D I think it captures your loyal readers very well so far. Ah, you have good quick dialogue in this one, but sometimes I get a bit lost as to who is saying what and how they are saying it. This could just be another instance of style difference though since I am very wordy and you have a more efficient style. I enjoy the length of these paragraphs far more as the story goes on. Everything feels far more fluid. I feel your writing style is growing and changing as the story goes on and it is wonderful to watch.

7. Last Notes:

Alright, Ch 19 is the last chapter I see! So what I recommend beyond all the other things I've said, is perhaps having a plotline planned out to keep everything consistent and on track. It helps you, the writer, as well because it takes the stress off of you having to remember everything off the top of your head. Other than that, I think you are doing a wonderful job! Thank you for allowing me to review your work!

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