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1. Be patient with me, please. I have work and school and write as well, so some days I can't read your book. I will get to you though, so never fear, you are not forgotten.

2. You may ask for ONE Book per idol within one month.

3. I give constructive criticism, but you must understand I am limited within how I write and do things as a writer. You don't have to take everything I say and outright do it.

4. The minimum required amount of chapters is 3 but the max I will read is 20 chapters. If you have very lengthy chapters however, direct message me to see if I will give you an exception.

5. Add this book to a PUBLIC reading list, so that others may be able to see it and ask for reviews as well. It will also keep you updated and be there if you ever want another review.

6. Once I review your book, please vote on the chapter I dedicated to your book. That's the only payment I require for book reviews.

7. Please don't take anything personally or get offended or feel attacked. I try to stay as objective and helpful, but professional as possible. I'm here to help, not hurt you.


This may be updated as needed.

If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments on this chapter.

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