Be With You

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A few days had passed and I still felt nervous, scared even walking around the house without either Polly or Tommy at my side.

"You feeling better love?" Polly said as she sat by the fire polishing some cups.

"Yes, much better...I just can't get the blood from under my found what happened so easy. You don't even seem phased by it all."

Polly smiled lightly. "If you have lived around all this for as long as I have, you get used to it. and yes, it did bother me, of course it did, but we have to move on. The boys are going to sort it, they always do."

"Amelia." Tommy appeared from the other room. "You alright?"


Tommy walked over and stroked my cheek gently.

"I'm going to go and get Finn, I think he is playing next door." Polly smiled at me, and I swear I saw her wink.

"I've made a few phone calls to some people I know in London and the city, they are going to keep a close eye on your father and his men."

"Tommy, you don't need to do that, your men should be used elsewhere."

"No, I have enough men to carry on with business and look after you. I want to ask you something, and I don't need answer now, I just..." he looked nervous.

"What?" I whispered.

"I want be a part of the family."

I shivered. "What do you mean?"

"I'm not talking about marriage here, but...fuck sorry I'm no good with words."

"It's okay, go on."

"As I said I don't need an answer now. I just want...I want you to be...with me."

His words were jumbled but I understood what he meant. "Yes. yes Tommy, I'll be with you." I laughed, feeling tears coming to my eyes.

He smiled, a smile I hadn't seen before. He reached forwards to hold my face, I loved it when he did that. "I know you weren't born to be with a man like me, but one day, this business will be legitimate, some of the bad stuff I'll get rid of and we can live in a big house in the country and go riding whenever we like."

I smiled, the tears now pooling in my eyes. "No one is born to be with anyone, we found each other Tommy." I said running my hand over his cheek, he closed his eyes, a smile ghosting his lips.

"I found you." He whispered.

"And I found you."

"I need to deal with the man that tried to take you. He needs to pay."

"I know."

"Tommy!!" a voice sounded through the house. "The Kimber boys are down the lane!"

Tommy eyes shifted, he looked scared. "Shit...Finn you and Amelia go into your room'll be back in a few hours."

"Tommy what's going on?"

"Business, bad business. This could get messy, no matter what you hear, gunshots, shots you don't leave the house, you don't even open the curtains alright?"

"Yes." I said grabbing Finn's hands.

"I'll be back." He shouted, shoving his cap onto his head and running out of the door.

Finn and I sat on his bed reading some of his stories for what seemed like an age.

"We have read all these ones now."

Saving Amelia Black ~ Thomas ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now