Just a boy.

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A few days after the incident at the pub and I still felt as if it had only just happened. My heart hammered at the slightest noise, and I felt a pressing guilt of what I put Polly through. Although she was acting like the inccident had not phased her at all, I couldn't believe how quickly she had gotten over it, how could I be in such a state and she was fine?

I felt stupid, once again like a pathetic child hiding in my room.

"Amelia, I have lived like this all my life, things like this do not phase me, we weren't hurt and the boys are dealing with it. I am a grown woman and you are a girl you do not have to compare us, take you time to feel better."

I nodded to her and smiled softly. "I'll go through and sort the papers I think, distract myself for a while."

"Good idea love, I'll just be in the kitchen."

The shop was empty today, it was one of the few days a month where they boys closed the shop to 'organise' the books and the money, but today they had decided to go to the Garrison for the afternoon.

I walked into the shop and gathered the papers from the table before taking them into Tommy's office. I was, like the Shelby's, was the only other person allowed into Tommy's office without permission, always choosing to sit in the quiet and avoid the stares of strangers.

As I settled before the fire I felt once again safe and at home. Tommy's smell lingered on the red chair where he often sat next to me and I felt like a silly girl with a silly love obsession in that moment, I blushed to myself before continuing to work through the book.

The shop began to empty a little later than usual as it ran up to race day and the bets were being placed at an alarming rate. The books were obviously a mess as the bet takers Tommy had hired had struggled with the influx of people. But I didn't mind. I liked staying busy.

"I'm going to see Ada." Polly shouted over the dying noise of the shop.

"Alright, I'll just be here." I smiled back.

Once I heard the door shut I began to settle. There were still a few blinders in the shop so I wasn't alone which is how I liked it. I had gotten so used to the company of others that I found it difficult to be truly alone. But I liked the quiet moments sat in Tommys office next to the small fire. I set out the books in front of me and began to sort them slowly, making sure dates and names matched the register, and if I recognised any of them.

It was clear my father, at this moment at least, didn't know where I was, but it didn't mean I wouldn't bump into anyone from my 'past life'. I knew his men liked to gamble on the horses and with Tommy's business becoming more reputable by the day, it was only a matter of time before a familiar face showed up at the door. So I stayed vigilant, checking the names daily as per Thomas's orders.

Another thing I had to ask about was my pay. At the moment I was welcome to stay with he Shelby's for free and eat from their table, but with winter coming fast, I needed to get some new winter dresses.I wasn't sure how to bring this up because the way I saw it, living under their roof was my wages and I didn't deserve anything more.

I was lost in my thoughts and the sound of the office door opening made me jump.

"Its late Ami, go to bed." Tommy barely looked up at me as he took his usual seat across from me.

I was used to his mood swings by now and I used to him coming home and ignoring the entire family for the evening, but today seemed different, it wasn't anger I saw in his eyes, it was was something else.

"Are you alright Tommy?" I asked quietly.

"Yes, yes Ami, just go to bed."

"Are you sure? You seem a bit shaken."

Saving Amelia Black ~ Thomas ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now