Forever can only last so long ~ Chapter 32

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Meant to post this last night.
Aphmau's POV

Aaron took me out to the pond, and he seems off. Once we sat on the blanket he set out I dove into it.
"Aaron, what's going on?" I asked worriedly. The look on his face showed I had already broken through all of his small talk and stalling.
"So you know that doctor's appointment I had recently..?" He began, I nodded. "They told me there was a tumor growing inside my brain.." My eyes widened. My hands went over my mouth in shock.
"S-so you're dying Aar?" I asked crying, he nodded sadly.
"They told me I was lucky if I even made it to Alina's due date." He pulled me into his lap while I cried. "I found out the day before Alina's wedding but I didn't want to ruin that. That's why I was so upset about her moving so far." I just laid there and stayed in his warm embrace, afraid that if I let go he'd be gone. He helped me stand and led me back to the house. Alina and Gabriel were on the couch waiting for us.
"Mom? Is everything alright." Alina asked looking up to us. I looked to Aaron and he shook his head.
"Yes sweetie... everything is alright." I said softly.
"Your mother tripped and hit the ground before I could catch her, she was just crying from the fall." Aaron said, smile returning to his face.
"I don't believe you two for a second." Alina retorted, crossing her arms. "Dad? Tell me what's wrong." I couldn't bear to hear it again, I pulled away from him and walked away. But I stopped walking when I heard my little girl begin to cry.
"You're dying Mr. Lycan?" Gabriel asked, holding Alina as she sobbed. I couldn't hear the response but I turned back to see Alexis. And she had been listening.
"Lexi..." I mumbled as tears filled her eyes and she fell to the floor. "LEXI?!" I tried shaking her shoulder but she was unresponsive. Aaron rushed up the stairs.
"What happened?" Aaron asked worriedly, picking up his unconscious daughter.
"She heard you say it and then she fainted." I said in a low voice, barely above a whisper. Aaron nodded and carried her out to the car, me following close behind him. We drove to the hospital and he brought her in. A nurse directed him to carry her somewhere, he set her down there and doctors swarmed around her, pushing us away from the room. A nurse came over to gather information over what happened, having us sit in the waiting room. Alina and Gabriel came in a few minutes after, sitting beside us.
"How is she?" Lina asked worriedly.
"They won't tell us anything." I said softly. Aaron had his head in his hands. Then Aaron fell to the floor. "Aar?" I shouted. I flipped him over and checked his pulse, it's weakening. A nurse rushed over to help me get him to a bed. I just laid him down, kissed his forehead, and walked away praying to Irene that he'd be alright. I laid my head on Alina's shoulder, too shaken up to cry. Too shaken up to talk... Am I going to lose my daughter and my husband on the same day? Why life why?! Then I heard her shy voice calling for her mother.
"Mama?!" Alexis called across the ER. I looked up, running with Alina and Gabriel by my side. I wrapped my arms around my little girl. "Mama where's dad?" No one answered. "Lina? Wheres dad?" Still no response. The atmosphere was dark in this room and we all could feel it.
"Lina stay here with Lexi, I have to go check on him." I said putting emphasis on check. I turned and walked to where Aaron was, suddenly flatlining. My hands covered my mouth as doctors rushed around the man I love. "No..." I mumbled falling to the floor.
"Time of death: 3:49 pm." The doctor announced. I quickly regained my composure so I could walk to Aaron.
"Aaron.. you've been through everything with me, my first steps, my first kiss. You were my first everything, and I love you so much... I'll miss you love." I said, smiling softly. "I know you wouldn't want me to be sad, you'd want me to 'Be happy' and to 'live my life'." I kissed his forehead and walked away, embracing my daughter with tear stained cheeks.

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