You cant have her ~ Chapter 35

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Aphmau's POV
I slid off the couch and looked around. It had to be midnight by now. On the counter sat a plate of food and a drink set beside it. A folded little note sat there.
'Good morning or night mom, whichever may it be. Enjoy this little snack, waiting here for thee.'
I laughed at the creativity of my youngest child. I took a bite of the mysterious looking ball in front of me and did not regret it for one second- it was like a ball of Mac and cheese but fried! I let out a little sigh of pleasure. She's always been so talented.. who let her use the fryer?! Did she fry these by herself? My mind wandered back to my brother who was upstairs and I let my mind ease a bit. I looked out the front window and saw a pair of eyes. I set the food down and grabbed a knife, sliding it up my sleeve. I walked outside and met with the figure.
"What do you want." I growled at them.
"Simple, I want your daughter." The figure replied.
"You. Can't. Have. Her." I growled taking the knife out slowly.
"I WILL be back for her, don't you worry." They said with a smirk in their voice. The figure disappeared and I walked inside, locking the door and walking upstairs. I peaked into Alexis's bedroom to find her gone. Panic began to rise until I saw her in my room, wearing one of Aaron's shirts. I slid into bed, dozing off only to be awoken an hour later. I sighed and got up for the day, dressing in black leggings and a tank top. Today I would spend in the gym.
"Ein, Alexis. I'm going to the gym do you want to come?" I called out as I began to make breakfast.
"Yes!" I heard them reply. I began to eat my food as they made their way down the stairs in gym-clothing. They ate their breakfasts and we left. I walked to the weight lifting area and began to lift the 50 pound weights. I could never do as much as Aaron could, be I could damn well try. I can bench press 230 on a good day. I saw Alexis trying to lift the 25 pound weights and I stopped her. Handing her 10 pound weights to start off with. She struggled slightly but pulled through and began to lift them. Ein was on the treadmill running. Since he died young my dad apparently preserved his body and so he still looked like my baby brother when he was 15. I was the first child born of us two. I walked over to Ein.
"So Aph, tell me about your other daughter." Ein smiled as he ran.
"Ah, Alina Jones." I giggled, "She got married just before Aaron died and has a baby on the way."
"Oh really?" He inquired, I nodded. "Tell me, what was your son like?"
"He was so sweet Ein... he looked just like me, raven hair, the amber eyes all of it." I wiped a tear, pulling a picture of him out of my wallet and showing him.
"Awe he was just the cutest!" Ein cooed. I looked over to where Alina was lifting weights.
"LET GO OF MY DAUGHTER!" I yelled jumping off the still on treadmill and chasing after them, Ein quickly catching up and getting ahead. He tackled the man and Alexis rolled away, running back to me. I pulled the tape off her mouth and ropes off her hands, hugging her tightly. "I'm so sorry baby..." I whispered in her ear as I rubbed her back. I looked up at Ein who was kicking the guys ass.
"Wow, hoe. Your husbands dead but two weeks and you've already moved on." The attacker growled. Ein knocked him out and walked back to Alexis and I.
"He's gonna feel that tomorrow." Ein chuckled after Alexis kicked the guy in the balls.
"Thank you uncle Ein..." she mumbled, wiping tears away. We all got back in the car and drove home. Alexis started making lunch while Ein and I sat down to talk.
"Aaron, he helped me through your death Ein." I smiled weakly.
"Did he make you happy Aph? Truly?" Ein pushed."
"He did Ein, he did." A warm grin spread across my face. "God I love him so much." Ein sighed happily.
"I'm so sorry that I tried to take the cowardly way out..." he mumbled looking up at me.
"I know, things were really hard then." I rubbed his arm, "You were in Aaron and I's shadow after we started modeling and that was tough to always be considered, 'Aphmau's Brother' instead of Ein." He nodded.
"I didn't write those things in the letter because I didn't want you guys to think it was your fault, it wasn't." He replied patted my head laughing.

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