Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: The Purest Hearts

Camilla paced across the floor of her very small castle. It was all black, everything was black. There was just nothing special about it, nothing that could fight off Emlyn if she came. Camilla pulled down her black spell book from a shelf in the library that was filled with the same blackness as everything else.

She flipped through the pages until she found it, the spell that Emlyn would surely die trying to get through.

The Spell Of Games

Stop the ones who dare to reach you. Create the game of changes, worlds, and adventures. Make them compete to reach you.

Go to a village and cut out the heart of a unicorn, stand at the highest place you can and hold the heart to the sky and chant.

"Fire, Water, Earth, Air change the world make my enemy fight. Floor, Ceiling, Walls, Doors, make a challenge of deadly ways."

Set the heart on fire and drop it onto the ground far below you. The heart will billow up in evil black smoke and spread as far as you'll let it and use the power to create what you wish.

Beware, for if they reach you and do not die, your heart will turn to stone, forever.

Camilla read through the spell, a wicked smile forming on her lips, and headed out of her castle. She gathered her shadowy guards and headed for Unicorn village. The village was known for the Unicorns that roamed it and had made friends with the people there. The unicorns provided assistance to those in need, and the village was always a happy place.

With her army behind her, she entered the village which was lined with little cozy cottages. There were vegetables, wheat, and fruit farms that sat behind the village. There was a forest sitting on the right side of it and right between the forest and the village, was a beautiful lake. Somewhere in the forest, if you sat at the edge of the water, you could hear the sound of a waterfall coming down from the mountains.

The sun was always shining onto the village and the entire place was filled with happiness and chatter. Camilla was here to ruin that happiness and she allowed her soldiers to siege into the village. They filled the village with destruction and killed every beautiful thing they could. They started a forest fire and dried the lake up. They set fire to homes and injured and killed the people and animals within. Camilla walked through the flames of burning crumbling cottages and saw the Unicorn Queen.

She was pure white with a rainbow mane and tail. Her horn was twelve inches and circled up perfectly on her head. She wore a golden crown with blue and yellow gems lining it. Camilla came towards her and the unicorn prepared to battle. The unicorn flung yellow magic at her and Camilla shot dark red magic at the unicorn.

Though the poor unicorn tried to fight back, Camilla overpowered her and threw the unicorn across the ground. She tried to scramble to her feet but didn't make it before Camilla stabbed a long metal sword into the creature. She then proceeded to remove her heart and placed it in a box.

She left the creature there and headed back towards her castle, the box containing the heart in hand. Her soldiers left the people for dead and followed their leader back to her home. Camilla once there climbed to the top of her castle. She held the heart in her hand and chanted the spells words.

"Fire, Water, Earth, Air change the world make my enemy fight. Floor, Ceiling, Walls, Doors, make a challenge of deadly ways."

She let the heart fall to the ground and watched as dark clouds started crawling across the lands and over her Castle. She used the staff and began to help the spell. The staff and spell altered the Badlands together and then it began changing her castle. The castle became taller and had several more towers. A cliff rose under it and a skull molded its way into the rock. Dark clouds circled overhead and Camilla smiled, one thought on her mind: she would win.

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