Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Sandy Troubles

They stepped into what appeared to be a very large dessert, it was like Arizona 2.0 at least that's how Emlyn compared it in her head silently. Sand blew through the air making them all choke on the bitter dryness.

Mystic suddenly lighted her horn and placed it against the ground. The ground illuminated a white color for a moment before she lifted her head and looked Emlyn. "This is the last land before we will face her demons and soldiers."

"Well then we better get going, you said the last land would be the worst, although I surely hope that's not true." She started across the land and her group followed. Mystic had removed everyone's ice skates with magic before they stepped onto the land and Emlyn was thankful for it.

As the group passed through the land the wind only increased. It was if a tornado was brewing right around them. The unicorns used their magic to keep them all on the ground, but they could only hold them so long if a tornado started. It felt like they'd been walking for hours in this half tornado surrounding them when the wind suddenly stopped and went dead.

They found they were all facing a monstrous creature. It was made of what appeared to be quick sand and it was like a giant sand man slash dust devil. Emlyn was more than freaked out and knew Camilla was to blame for creating such a creature.

"I'll destroy all of you for crossing into my lands!" He roared and sent sand magic at them and a tornado began forming around them again. The unicorns began using their magic to keep them on the ground, but it was growing too fast.

"You know dude you should really consider trying something called, I don't know...CLOTHES!" Bob shouted trying to distract the creature but only made it angrier as the winds picked up and everyone glared at him.

"Emlyn it's up to you this time, we can't hold us down forever." Emlyn knew she was going to have to truly unlock her power to the fullest potential, or at least to the fullest it could be when she didn't have the special ingredient to enhance her power.

She stood carefully and closed her eyes and began to write how she wished the story would go in her mind. She imagined the sand man would turn to nothing more than plain sand. Red lights began to come off her and began consuming the sandman.

Emlyn wanted the tornado to stop and to pass through the land without any more difficulty. She wanted to prove she could do this. Then it happened, red light burst across the entire land and the tornado stopped and the sandman tarnished into regular sand on the ground. Emlyn had done it.

Mystic walked over to Emlyn and nuzzled her hand, "You did wonderfully, we are all proud of you." Emlyn smiled and patted her head.

"Thank you for believing in me." She smiled at her group and she began to lead the way out if the fire land into Camilla's land. A land of evil and death.

Just as she was leaving, she picked up the yellow gem and placed it in her pouch. They stepped over the border and looked up at the skull castle, but before them stood about 50 or more demonic soldiers wanting nothing more than their blood. They readied their weapons and Mystic looked at Emlyn, "The important thing is you get to Camilla, don't worry about the rest of us, now go!" She said and they all charged towards the demons.

While Emlyn wanted to stay and help, she knew Mystic was right so she headed around the fighting and headed straight for the castle.

Castle (The Badlands Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now