Chapter 39: Kind

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Sing for Me

Chapter 39


Inky was blushing from head to toe. No ones ever carried her before. Probably got dragged when she was a baby. Stupid parents. She looked back up at Zareth who was humming some tune she recognized but couldn't remember the words. She started to hum it too just because she was bored. There wasn't much to do out in the jungle...other then get chased by animals. Zareth chuckled and kept humming, but put a word in here or there.

"All I want to see you smile..." He said and hummed a bit more.

"Don't stop thinking about tomorrow..." Inky continued.

"Yesterdays gone, Yesterdays gone..." Zareth chuckled and looked down at the little girl in his arms. She just kept on singing along with him.

"Of what you had, or what you lost, of what you had, of what you lost." they both sang together.

"Both of you shut up! You're going to get us caught." Ronin barked at them. Zareth laughed as Inky broke into an air guitar solo.

"Cripes you both are going to be the death of me." Ronin sighed and walked on ahead of them.

Zareth chuckled and looked around. "Ronin...?" He looked down at the little girl who had a very large flower in her hands.

"So old are you Inky?" He asked. Inky shrugged her shoulders.

"I think I'm 10. Just a guess though. Its not like I have a calendar or anything." She said. "I don't even know when my birthday is." She said with a giggle. Zareth looked a little amazed and looked around at the dense forest. Luckily Ronin had a red hat on or he probably would have lost sight of him completely.

"Hey there bug Imma put you down right here. You stay. I'm going to check something out. I see something moving." He sat Inky down. "Stay...quiet. And no...don't break into song if someone shows up." He winked.

"Okay gotcha...I won't sing anything." She giggled. She kind of liked him. He was nice, and he liked the same kind of music she did. He also didn't seem to mind how spirited she was. 'If only...' She sighed and looked around the tree. But he wasn't there. Someone landed right next to her. He threw a rope around the tree and tied it off.

"Well hello there kid." He had a very prideful voice. She hated that. She narrowed her eyes and realized just what was on the other end of that rope. Zareth was struggling. It was around his neck.

Inky gasped and stood up using the tree to brace herself.

"Let him go!" She yelled. She tried to untie the rope. Her hand was popped.

"Kids shouldn't mess with things they don't understand." The man said. Inky looked around for Ronin. He must have walked to far ahead.

"Looks like its up to me then!" She growled.

"Oh...whats the little girl going to do huh? Throw her Barbies at me?" He laughed Inky pulled her hand across. A line of ink shot out slicing the mans arm right off. He screamed holding the stump. She bunted him out of the way and pulled on the rope. Zareth fell the ten feet to the ground. His knees buckled and he fell to his side. Inky ran over to him putting her head on his chest and gasped. She could still hear his power source, is that what its supposed to sound like? He was gasping for air.

"Kid..." She looked down at him. "Listen to me...quickly...I...I need you to..." He took a deep breath trying to steady his mind. He pulled his shirt up and cringed as he opened the small door on his chest. Within was Zanes power source and Dareths heart combination. Inky gasped and looked in deeper.

"Fix me..." He lay back panting. "Wish Danny were here...She's...She's got the schematics....studys them." He took another wheezy breath." Reach in behind...and feel around. Gotta move the wires away." He coughed, oil ran down his lip. His body was getting an overload of oil, and not enough blood to run the human systems.

"O...Okay now what?" Inkys fingers were trembling. She ran her fingers over the piston and nodded her head. "I feel the part."

"Your gonna have to g...go back and get a replacement part. Ronin keeps them in his motorcycle area...hurry...hurry Inky..." She got up and ran back through the woods. Her leg had started bleeding all over again. She couldn't worry about pain now...she never had that luxury. She ran back inside Rex and looked around and spotted something that said piston, and pump. She opened it up and ran her fingers over it. She smiled it felt the same to her. She ran back out the door and skidded to a stop on her knees. "Gotta..."He swallowed. He was so pale. "Hey...its okay. H...Halfway through already" He closed his eyes.

"No no no nonono...Zareth..." She looked back in the box. She reached over and pulled on the part. He made a strange noise. She turned to see a line of oil escape his mouth. She turned him onto his side. He coughed up more and started to breath again. "Knock you All I have is a wrench." She sniffled. Zareth looked at her. Trails of black running down her face. "Oh squeaker..." He took her fingers and shakily smiled at her. "Shhhh I trust you." He closed his eyes and swallowed. "Looks like I'll just have to yell." He swallowed and ran a shaky hand over his forehead.

"Okay..." Inky nodded.

"'oh hell... a-aah, disconnect the red wire... DON'T disconnect the black one with the red stripe.. move the red wire and reconnect it on the other side... the other.. the other set should be gently propped... away from the power source.. there are two screws at the top that... that..." Zareths eyes rolled for a second making Inky look up from her work.

"Zareth...Zareth!" She shook him and cried out for him once again. He jumped and cringed.

"S...Sorry. um... hold the top of the piston.. disconnect the main pipe on top- yo.. you're going to have to act quickly, blood will start pouring everywhere... the bottom should disconnect... then.. y-y'know.. put the new one in... reconnect the wire..." he was shaking. Inky looked at the pump box and closed her eyes. Taking a deep breath she disconnected the main pipe and he was ride. Blood went everywhere. Zareth yelled, She reached back over connecting the new one. And connected the wire. She looked back up at Zareth. He took a deep breath. She put the pump box back in and started to wrench everything back in. He took gulp after gulp of air.

"He's waking up." Zareths eyes were closed. "Thanks saved Dareths life. Dannys going to be very grateful to you."

"What about you?" She asked looking at the still smoking pump box that had been broken before.

"I have a lot of apologizing to do small fry. I was stupid...oh Dannygirl I hope you know we still love you." He closed his eyes. "Stay close to me kid...just need a few minutes..."

"Don't worry Zareth...I won't let anyone hurt you." She said. Zareth turned

"My hero..." He whispered before his optics went black and he closed his eyes.


Danny didn't have the energy to cry anymore. Her eyes were half closed and her fingers played with they hay that was under her. Her back hurt so much from the shaking. She really missed them. All of them. All she really wants to do now was to go home and be with them. But right now she was so tired. She closed her eyes and tried to open them, but she couldn't.

"She's falling into a processor forced shut down. She will be no trouble now."

"Transfer her to the...fix room." The woman nodded her head and snapped her fingers at someone and he nodded his head

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