Miss me?

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She ran in. Fearless. Determined. Smoke filled her lungs, her throat spasmed as she choked on thick layers of ash. She ignored the shadow in the corner, desperate to make it through. She dove down under a flaming beam, she continued on her path until she heard it. The weak mewling of a small kitten, she reached her slightly burnt hand out to clutch the loose skin on the back of its frail neck. Then, she turned and ran. She jumped and dove through the maze of a building that was falling to the ground around her. She fell face down, tripping over the main doorway. So close to freedom but also so far.
She took a deep shaky breath and opened her arms freeing the creature into the outdoors. Her eyes fell down obscuring her sight of the fading world.
"You're early" Death finally breathed out. "You never seemed to quite care about anything else, I thought you were safe" he admitted.
"Yeah, well, things have changed a bit...did ya miss me?"
"You, reckless idiot" Death declared.
"Yes, that's true, but you still love me," she said raising her eyebrows hopefully.
"Unfortunately," he admitted looking away. He extended his hand for her to take --which she did-- and then leaned back to lift her weight. Once she was standing he grabbed her thighs and wrapped her legs around his waist so she was clinging to him like a koala.
"I missed you" she whispered.
"You would be the first to ever say that" he replied as he walked.
"I'm glad" she liked to be the first, she hugged him tighter and looked over his shoulder into the sunset that faded behind them.

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