The girl who became a ghost

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Water dripped down from the ceiling, a thick scent of mildew tinged with iron filled the air. It was suffocating. The relative silence was quickly filled with a blood-curdling scream. The tone wasn't fully matured and it stopped after just a second or two.
She was strapped down tightly onto the bed, her body covered in scars from various blades, needles, and IV's.
It hurt, oh how it hurt, but she stopped screaming because she knew the more she screamed the more blood they would take.
The small five years olds back arched as another knife dug into her side, inevitably going to leave a jagged scar.
The experiment-oriented doctor who called himself her father stitched her up many agonizing seconds later.
his head tilted up and he left the room.
she flinched when she heard the door open once more, but this time it was someone different. someone she had never seen before, he unbuckled the straps on her wrists and ankles and helped her trembling form up.
She thought he was different until he whispered, "I'll burn your dollhouse if you kill any of my friends" he gave a strong look at a large dollhouse situated beside the couch in the room on the other side of the glass. she shivered.
Her "father" came running into the room seconds later with several men trailing behind him. the man from before gave her a strong look as her father spoke, "Sweetheart could you please kill those men", one of the men punched him in the face. "But, he said he would burn my dollhouse if I do" she answered sadly and looked up to the handful of men in the living room. "Well if he's dead he won't, so please, show them what I trained you for".
her eyes flashed momentarily and she realized that in these two years she had gone from a little girl who didn't know how to kill, to a girl who knew how to make dying hurt.
she walked toward them with a small smile, no malice in the way she smiled, walked, or hummed along to a little tune. But once she got close enough she pulled a knife out of seemingly nowhere. she threw it up where it slid through his mouth piercing his tongue and flooding his mouth with blood, the tip squeezed between the two halves of his brain doing virtually no damage to it. he choked and hacked, his mouth unable to open and let out the blood out due to the knife securing his jaw closed. he fell to his knees. She grabbed the hilt of the knife to tilt it back slicing his tongue nearly in half and cleanly cutting through all of the nerves connecting the two halves of his brain. it was irreparable and he was dead in seconds.
"Mirror Mirror on the wall, who's going to kill you all" bloodlust seeped out of every pore in her body making the rest of the men shiver and shrink back.
she ripped the knife out of the dead man's head and went to finish off the rest of them.
with one left standing knowing he was going to die, he asked just one question, "What's your name?'
"I live in the shadows, nobody sees me, I don't need a name" her voice was like a robot as if the line had been fed to her over and over until the believed it.
And then, that was it, she dealt the finishing blow. Her five-year-old body was covered in blood both her victims and her own which seeped from her own earlier wound.

Years later she stood on the edge of a building, the sun rising behind her. the light glinting off the fresh blood that covered patches of her skin. none of it was hers this time though. It was his. Her "fathers". Although she may be free of him, she was not yet-and never would be- free of herself.

Police came across a peculiar crime scene, a man laid in a large puddle of blood which, in all honesty, is normal in a large city like theirs, the abnormal part, however, was his note: "She's a liar, She has her games, Her clever tricks, Everyone falls into her trap, I did too."

A man stood behind her as she sat once again on the edge of a building, high above everything else, where the lights of the city couldn't reach and all there was were shadows and two faintly illuminated figures. "I don't know how you do it," he said, gesturing to her hands which were, at this point in her life, stained red. She tilted her head back to look him in the eyes, "I wasn't given a choice".
Then she leaned forward and tumbled right off the building. The man didn't bother reaching after her, he simply stepped closer to the edge and looked down to see her clinging to the exterior of the building, moving and edging across the siding until she reached an open window which she swung her body into. He never saw her again.

People ran. Ran as fast as they could from the girl with no name, fear filled the air, thick and warm. Sweat rolled off their brows trickled down until it was absorbed by their shirt collars.
She followed the group slowly, a small smile on her face and her hands clasped behind her head. a shiver ran up their spine. "You cannot hide from your shadow, But, you can invite it to dance~" she lifted one hand from behind her neck and extended it to the group, the hand extended and wrist downturned as if she were waiting for someone to grab her nimbly set hand and sweep her into an elegant waltz.

"You! you're the devil!" a man shrieked as he stumbled backward, the woman leaned down and whispered in his ear "Black hearts are not born black, they are burned" and then the light left his eyes, she stood and turned her back on the mutilated body behind her.

A.N. Okay so this is 100% not edited at all whatsoever,  I wrote it in the Google keep thing and it's pretty much a whole bunch of like dark prompts or quotes that I wove into a very confusing mildly cohesive story, so yeah, sorry about that but I think it's halfway decent. I do not own any of the quotes or prompts that were used; just the filler in between. Anyways, Hope you like it, have a good day/night, bye!

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