Chapter 10

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The lights go down in the arena and the crowd erupts into a deafening scream. The hair on my arms stand on end as I wait for Harry to come out on stage.

The music starts up, illuminating the band and the screams continue. Then Harry's voice breaks through the speakers.

"She wore a smile that could take over my whole mind." He sang as he appeared from below, slowly rising through the floor like I knew he would.

The screams somehow got louder as he made his entrance. I looked around the crowd and found people losing their minds, crying and in almost hysterics. Harry was making them this way. Harry had the ability to do this. How he could have ever doubted himself is beyond me.

He continues with the song and people all around me are singing along. This is a fan favorite and the one I told him he should start with. I internally high five myself for being right.

I enjoy the first couple songs, just watching in awe as Harry sings and moves around the stage, interacting with the giant crowd like it's normal. None of this is normal. His life and now mine is not normal. It's surreal.

I scan the VIP area, making sure everyone is having a good time. There is a bar, only for this section and they look to be serving drinks at a satisfactory speed. My job is to just make sure everyone is happy but also doesn't get out of control.

"You should have a drink." Rob Gronkowski, a mountain of a guy from the Patriots says to me. We chatted a little bit before the show started and he seems like a nice guy. Maddy swears he was hitting on me but I didn't think so.

"I can't. Not until after the show." I say into his ear that he had to lower about a foot down to me.

"Come on. I won't tell." He says back and I smell the vodka on his breathe.

"Sorry. No can do." I put my hand on his shoulder, more so to keep him at bay.

I look up and find Harry is watching this interaction. He raises his eyebrow before turning away. Great.

The rest of the concert goes by quickly and I just watch in amazement as Harry effortlessly sings and interacts with the crowd. The VIP section is a breeze to supervise, no one gets overly drunk or rowdy.

As soon as the concert ends, a couple security guards and I escort the section back to the greenroom where they will meet and hang with Harry. I hope it's not for too long, I am tired and my feet are starting to hurt.

Everyone settles in while I and a few others get our guests drinks and put out the food. It's loud in here and I wonder how Harry feels about these after parties. Does he enjoy them or does he just want to go back to the hotel? He seems like someone who would rather relax after a show but I guess I'll find out.

I'm checking the itinerary for tomorrow on my phone when I feel a looming presence over me.

"Here. It's after the show." Rob hands me a glass of champagne. I take it knowing I'm allowed to. We were told as long as we keep our wits about us, and don't do anything embarrassing, we could enjoy the green room while working it.

"Thank you." I take a sip and smile at him. It's good. I'm not a huge champagne fan but this is nice.

"So you able to come out with us or what?" He puts his large arm around my shoulder.

I crane my neck to look up at him. "I don't think I can. We leave early in the morning."

He raises his eyebrow questioning me. "Really? Those two are." He points to Maddy and Roxy, another assistant. Dammit.

"Well I'm new to the tour. I gotta prove myself ya know."

He squeezes my shoulder, bringing me closer to him. "Come on. Live a little."

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