Mike x Reader

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"Don't worry, it looks worse than it is."

The two shots rang out from across the opposite side of the road just as you were about to go back to the precinct with Mike. You and Mike had spent the morning trying to track down the perp with Carisi when the two shots were fired. You see Mike dive behind the squad car as you fall straight onto your back gripping your leg frantically as pain ripples through your body. You hit the ground pretty hard and you lay there in shock trying to process everything that has just happened. Your look at your hand and see it's stained red. You begin to panic realising you have indeed been shot in the leg. Suddenly, a familiar voice was calling out your name and you can hear the distant sounds of sirens heading your way.

"Y/N!" Mike Called out to you as he came running over to you.

He knelt down next to you and surveys the damage.

"Hey Y/N, let me take a look at it." He says, gently moving your hand out of the way of the gunshot wound.

You comply with his orders and move your hand out of the way so he could have a proper look at it. You watch him check it over before he turns and faces you again.

"Don't worry, it looks worse than it is. Of course you will need medical assistance but the wound itself isn't that big, there is just a lot of blood." He explains, grabbing ahold of your hand reassuringly.

You nod to signal your understanding. However, no matter how much Mike explains the size of the wound, it still hurts.

"I'm sorry I didn't check you were okay first Y/N." He says, apologetically.

"Hey, Mike this isn't your fault. Neither of us knew we were going to be targeted like this. Where is Carisi?" You asked quietly.

"He is in the back of the squad car with the perp, we think that the perp was the one that launched the attack." Mike discloses to you.

"Okay, well I hope he is okay." You say, worrying about your fellow officers.

"I think he is fine Y/N, just a little shaken. Now stay with me the EMT's are on their way." Mike responds, squeezing your hand.

"Thanks Mike." You say, smiling through the pain.

"It's okay Y/N, that's what I'm here for."

You can hear the sirens getting closing meaning help is on the way, Mike stays by your side the whole time holding your hand to make sure you are still conscious. The pain searing through your leg got slightly worse by the minute and Mike can clearly see your discomfort.

"Hey you okay Y/N?" Mike questions.

"Yeah." You say as your voice hitches.

"Don't worry, EMT's are less than two minutes away. You are going to be okay. I know it hurts like hell but you will pull through." Mike clarifies.

"Thanks, it just bloody hurts." You explain, on the verge of tears.

When the EMT's arrive, Mike doesn't leave your side. He rides all the way to the hospital with you and waits until you come out of surgery. The whole squad come and greets you in your hospital room. You are very happy that they are all there when you wake up. They all praise you on closing the recent case and appreciate all that you have contributed to the case. You welcome them all and decide it was time to get some sleep ready for being discharged tomorrow. Mike left last and thanks you for everything that you have done today.

"Now, get some rest. We need you back sooner than later if you can solve cases that well." He says meaningfully.

"Alright dad. See you soon." You say laughing.

"What a hell of a day." You think to yourself before drifting off into a peaceful sleep.

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