Chapter 8

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The phone felt like lead in my hand, my finger like ice while dialing Children's Hospital. It was 4 o'clock and it didn't feel like Friday, not with a phone call like this to make. If I was dialing for anyone but myself, I would be okay.

I only wanted to know if Todd had gone home... or was camping out for the night. When the operator put me through several channels, and I ended up ringing the Oncology Unit line, I knew Todd had not gone home. It rang several times before he answered with a feeble voice.


"I guess they just couldn't let you go," I said with a cheerful smile.

His voice perked up a little. "Oh, hey Natalie. It's so good to hear your voice."

"How are you doing? Are you okay?"

"Ahhh, other than having a conversation with my bucket, it's been okay. There's a hot nurse on this floor, so that keeps me entertained." He let a brief pause slip before pulling me up from my mini-depression.

"I'm just kidding, Nally. The nurses are mom-types, with thick stockings and clogs."

"I wouldn't think they'd have sexy nurses running around the oncology unit," I said.

"Sometimes I wish they did, but the way I feel when I'm here I probably wouldn't care," he said before breaking into a coughing fit.

"Why are they making you stay tonight?"

"My white cell count is whacked, so they're keeping me just to be safe. It's okay, cause this is my second home, after all."

"Just for now," I replied, putting my clenched fist over my heart, lightly pounding it against my ribs in rhythms of one and two... three and four.

"Since I'm probably going to be here tomorrow, will you come see me?"

"Are you allowed visitors when you're... iffy?"

"If I can still get a stiffy, then things aren't so iffy," he joked.

"Then that must be a yes. At least you won't have a chance to corner me against a rock," I said.

"There's no rocks here, but plenty of white walls that are nice and firm," he said in a low, serious voice. The image of Todd in a hospital gown, chasing me around the room made me giggle. If he thought he was able to do that, then surely he would be okay for a short visit.

"Great. Do I have to wear a mask and gown?"

"Probably. With my white count down, they don't want to risk anything. Maybe you could wear only the gown and mask. That would work for me."

"I'm sure it would."

"So let's call it a date — come by around 1-ish cause they usually do a bunch of tests and crap in the morning, and I don't want you to waste your time standing in the hallway."

"I'll see you then. Just get some rest so you can get out of there."

"It gonna take a lot more than rest to do that... good night, Natalie. See you tomorrow."

With the call over, I was now free to plan for the party. What should I wear? Did it matter? Hell yes it did, if Alex was going to be there. Time to look in the back of my closet for something other than a sweatshirt.

I hardly ever visited this part of my closet. It was dark and smelled like musty socks. Grabbing the tops of all the hangers, I pulled a motherload of hidden clothes out of the closet and threw them on the bed. My eyes hurt from looking at the red, green and orange ensembles. A few dresses, a two-piece dressy number, a few camisoles with lace panels over the boobs. I seriously considered going back to the sweatshirt option for a moment.

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