A Training Day:Chapter Two

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Dianne's pov
At the Studio
We walk into our studio and out our stuff down.
All the girls were told what we were dancing to.
We were doing a Jive. I was training to become a professional dancer like my mum and older brother Andrew. My older brother was my biggest inspiration and I always wanted to be like him. When mum and Dad Died ,Andrew moved back to Australia and I've been here alone for so long now every time I think about the past it doesn't hurt anymore .
I walk over to the speakers and put my bags down
"So what dance are we doing " Joe asks breaking the silence
"We are doing a jive to take on me " I say with a cheerful smile .
"Let's get started " Joe says
"Could I borrow your phone to play the music. I don't have one at the moment " I asked looking at the floor
"Of course " Joe says handing me his phone
He unlocks it and puts the song on for me .
I smile and plug it in.
"Okay Joe were going to go through some of the basics of dance and then I'll then I'll teach you the beginning " I explain pulling out the whiteboard .
"Dianne this might sound weird but um for my media project I need to film some stuff so is it Okay is I film some of this"Joe asks nervously
"Of course it's perfectly fine " I say
Me and Joe sit down on the sofa after a lot of hours of rehearsals
"Wow. That was weirdly fun " Joe says
I laugh
"I thought I'd hate it " Joe says
"Well don't bash something until you try it " I say with a smile .
"Wanna meet up sometime at the weekend and get a coffee"Joe asks
"Sure maybe I'll get to know you a little bit better Mr Sugg" I say with a smile
"Let's call it a day and get some rest. I can do my free periods which are period 4 and 2 tomorrow. And I can also train till about 5;30 after school" I explain
"Sounds perfect to me " Joe says
"See you tomorrow then Sugg" I say as he picks up he's stuff
"See your tomorrow then Red " Joe says with a smile
He walks out and then I glade over to see Joes phone still plug in.
I take it out and run after him
I see him abou to get in car
"JOE WAIT" I yell
He turns his head to see me with his phone in my hand
He smiles and walks over
"Couldn't let you go home without it " I say handing it to him
"Thanks red " He says hugging me
I felt a tingling sensation throughout my body. No one had hugged me in years . Not willingly anyway
We pulled away and I smiled
"See you tomorrow then Sugg " I say
I spent two hours at my Grans. She was in a caring home . She wasn't ill she just was to old to care for herself .
I walked into my dark and empty house. I switch on the light and place my bags down. I lock the door and go upstairs. I get showered and get changed into my only pair of pyjamas.
I then walk downstairs and watch tv. I get a pizza and put it in the oven .
I then eat it .
The Next day
I arrive at school earlier than usual and head to tutor . I see all the rich kids already outside. I see Joe on his phone .
I just sit where I usually do.
"Ey Slag where's your parents gone" I heard Becky say
"Becky leave her alone " I heard Joe snap
"Aw Joey don't stand up for her There's usually a reason parents leave " Becky says
I felt tears roll down my face
Joe looked at me confused
Not many people knew my parents were gone.
Joe gets up and then sits beside me wrapping his arms around me
"Becky it's not my fault there dead " I snap back at her
"Probably killed em did ya. You freak " she says
"Eh that's Enough if you don't fucking leave her alone you'll regret it"Joe snaps
The bell rings up and Joe gets up and then helps me up.
I'm going to have a bit of explaining to do

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